ChineseJade 145

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Tiffany Chan
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  • 97 Two Boys (He He Er Xian) pale greenish white jade with slight russet marking, height 7.1 cm Late Qing Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection AGGV Two boys, one slightly taller than the other, both standing with legs crossed, are dressed in loose jacket and pants. One holds a lotus flower bud, which is accentuated by the russet marking. These two boys, also known as the He He Er Xian or har�monious immortal pair, represent the idea of har�mony and unity. 98 Elephant Pendant pale greenish white jade, length 5.6 cm Late Qing Harold and Vera Mortimer-Lamb Bequest AGGV Pendant in the shape of a flattened elephant with head turned to one side; the back largely covered with a tasseled saddlecloth; on the top of the sad�dle is a pedestal with yin and yang motif. A boy stands on the elephant�s neck holding a hooked tool in his hand. The body is incised tosimulatethe folds in the hide. 99 Fisherman with Clam and Bird white jade with russet markings, height 4.1 cm Late Qing McElney Collection Figure of an old fisherman bringing both hands to his head as in surprise. At his legs is a huge clam with a bird. The russet marking on the back has been skilfully worked into a rush cape, which is finely incised. 100 Moth white jade with russet markings, width 4.8 cm Qing Dyer Collection Finely modelled carving of a moth depicted with outspread wings; great attention to detail, like the finely striated feelers and the legs on the bottom side. 101 Inscribed Pebble with Prunus Spray greyish white jade with grey and brown markings, length 6.2 cm Qing, Qianlong reign McElney Collection Pebble carved with a prunus spray in slight relief which continues on other side. Inscribed couplet reads as follows: �A twig reflects its shadow over the clear water; Witness to the endless flowers of spring.� Two seals reading Ancient and Fragrance. 102 Peach-Shaped Dish mottled light green jade, length 9.6 cm Late Qing Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection AGGV Flat shallow dish in the shape of a peach; part of branch, leaves and blossom in openwork at one side. The interior bottom has five incised bats around a longevity symbol. The five bats symbolize the five happinesses: to live long, to be wealthy, to be tran�quil, to love virtue and not to die until after achiev�ing one�s destiny. On the bottom are incised veins. 103 Pendant greyish white jade, height 6.5 cm Late Qing Harold and Vera Mortimer-Lamb Bequest AGGV Pendant, the top part executed in openwork, is decorated with a boy holding a vase with the fun�gus of immortality in relief; the reverse side is in the shape of a leaf. 104 Decorative Plaque spinach green jade, height 22.7 cm Late Qing Given anonymously in memory of Sir JamesThorn- ton, C.B., M.B., B.A. AGGV Decorative plaque of irregular shape with a five- clawed dragon among waves design in relief. This plaque was once attached to a wooden panel as can be seen from traces on the back, and might have been part of a group of similar plaques making a complete design. 105(a) Archer�s Ring green and white mottled jadeite, diameter 3.4 cm, height 2.8 cm Late Qing Gift of Mrs. Edith Clarke and Mrs. G Nixon AGGV Plain thumb ring with rounded inside rims. 105(b) Archer�s Ring white jade with brown veining on one side, diameter 3 cm, height 2.2 cm Late Qing Gift of Mrs. K. F. Chen and Family AGGV Plain archer's thumb ring with rounded inner rims. Numerous thumb rings were made duringthe Qing dynasty, some very beautifully decorated and clearly not meant for use. This type of ring is derived from the archer�s ring that must have been standard equipment for the nomadic Manchus in the early days. 143
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