ChineseJade 137

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Tiffany Chan
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  • 7 Pendant? mottled green and brown jade, length 6.3 cm Neolithic Dyer Collection Object of perhaps stylized salamander shape; two conical perforations; one side is flat, the other con�vex. For object of slightly similar shape, Wenwu, 1984, 2, page 25, figure 5. This object was found in a tomb of the Liangzhu Culture at Jiangling shan. 8 Ring buff calcified jade, diameter 5.9 cm Shang McElney Collection Inner wall slightly convex, outside has projecting ridge bisecting centre of band. Function of object unknown. Probably related to the collared discs that have been excavated at Neolithic burial sites. An identical example found at Lady Fu Hao�stomb. 9 Tiger calcified green jade with traces of cinnabar, length 6.3 cm Shang McElney Collection Jade plaque or pendant in the shape of a tiger. The ears have the shape of a recumbent �C�. Incised details identical on both sides. Conical perforation at the mouth. 10 Disc-Axe mottled green and brown jade, length 7 cm Shang type Dyer Collection Small specimen of a disc-axe, the edge of the slightly flaring sides are serrated forming a rhythmic, sym�metrical pattern. At the centre of the disc is a large perforation. The bevelled cutting edge has been carved into four sides. 11 Plain Handle dark green jade, length 9.4 cm Shang -Zhou McElney Collection Flattish, rectangular piece of finely polished, trans�lucent jade with slightly calcified markings. The top is marked by a tectiform bar; the concave part un�derneath has a double ridge in relief; main part of the handle is plain; the handle has a conical per�foration just above its oblique lower edge. 12 Pendant of Silkworm Shape green and white mottled jade?, length 8.1 cm Shang Dyer Collection Pendant of oblong shape, gradually tapering to�wards the bottom tip; one side is ribbed suggesting a silkworm; encircling incision near bottom and top, which has a biconical perforation and drilling scars. 13 Scepter black and dark green jade with brown veining, length 28.5 cm, thickness 8 mm Shang - early Zhou McElney Collection Slender blade whose sides widen toward the straight bevelled edge. The blade gradually diminishes in thickness towards the edge. One side is slightly concave. The base juts out over the tang, forming descending projections. The perforation of the tang is conical and drilled from one side. Longitudinal saw cuts run along the edge of the tang and into the lower part of the blade; smoothly polished surface except for natural indentations; the uneven butt has saw ledges. 14 Ring mottled brown jade?, diameter 8.2 cm Shang -Zhou? Dyer Collection Ring with central ridge on inside rim. Surface has many oval-shaped indentations on inside, outside and rims. 15 Fish greyish green jade, largely calcified, length 8.6 cm Zhou type Dyer Collection Pendant in the form of a flat fish of slender bevelled shape; the body is characterized by dorsal and pec�toral fins which are incised; there is a conical per�foration at the eye. 16 Fish pale green jade with brown markings, length 5.9 cm Zhou McElney Collection Curved fish with incised eyes and fins; conical per�foration at the mouth. This appears to be a reworked segment of a ring. Many stylized fish like this have been found in Shang and Zhou excavations. 17 Hare green jade with slight brown markings, length 4.4 cm Western Zhou Dyer Collection Fashioned from a flat slab this carving shows the profile of a hare in silhouette. It is depicted in run�ning pose with extended forelegs and curled paws; the long slightly concave ears lie along the back; the eyes are round; there is a conical perforation in the front paws. Other details are executed with be�velled lines. 18 Ceremonial Blade mottled green and black jade, length 32 cm, thick�ness 2-3 mm Zhou Dyer Collection Extremely thin translucent partially calcified blade; the concave bevelled upper edge ends on one side 135
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