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- Snuff Bottle with scenes of Daoist figures
� Tabatiere avec scenes de personnages taoi'stes
� Qing dynasty, 19th century, (Yangzhou school style)
� milky white glass with brown overlay � Gift of the Joy DeWeese-Wehen Estate, AGGV 2003.004.009
Snuff Bottle with design of chrysanthemums � Tabatiere avec motif de chrysanthemes � Qing dynasty, 19th century � glass with red, white, blue and light green overlay � Gift of the Joy DeWeese- Wehen Estate, AGGV 2003.004.010
Snuff Bottles with designs of gourds and vines/of a sage and attendants in a garden/of flowers
� Tabatieres avec motifs de gourdes et vignes/
sage et ses disciples dans un jardin/fleurs � Qing dynasty, 19th century � white glass with blue overlay
� Given in Memory of John P. Nind (R.M.L.I. ret.) by his wife Mildred and their daughter Ann Neilson, AGGV 1974.140.001, Gift of the Joy DeWeese-Wehen Estate, AGGV 2003.004.015, Gift of Helen Sawyer, AGGV 2004.007.003
Snuff Bottles with incised calligraphy and flower spray/two undecorated � Tabatieres avec caracteres de calligraphie graves et grappe de fleurs/ dont deux non decorees � Qing dynasty, 19th century
� milky white glass � Gift of Helen Sawyer, AGGV 1995.012.057,1995.012.059, Given by Mrs. Mary Irwin from the Estate of Miss Janet Gibson, AGGV 1976.090.002
Snuff Bottles with designs of lotus and birds/ of a cherry branch and chrysanthemum spray/an elongated dragon � Tabatieres avec motifs de lotus et doiseaux/branche de cerisier et grappe de chrysanthemes/dragon allonge � Qing dynasty, 19th century � glass with green, turquoise and black overlay � Gift of Helen Sawyer, AGGV 1995.012.023, Given in Memory of John P. Nind (R.M.L.I. ret.) by his wife Mildred and their daughter Ann Neilson, AGGV 1974.142.001, Gift of Helen Sawyer, AGGV 1995.012.027