HowtoStartEFChapter_002.tif Public

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Dean Seeman
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  • control the technological forces of civilization; redistributing the "means of destruction" is not enough. Earth First! Tactics Earth First! uses every tool in the tool box. This includes but by no means is limited to "radical" tactics. Letter-writing, slideshows, lawsuits, attending public hearings, rallies, demonstrations, street theatre, banner hangings, sit-ins, road blockades, treesits, and numerous other legal and illegal forms of action are used. Monkeywrenching (ecologically-motivated sabotage) while supported philosophically by Earth First!ers, is not practiced by any organized Earth First! chapters; monkeywrenching is practiced by autonomous individuals or small groups completely independent of organized chapters in order to prevent prosecution by the authorities. As a security precaution, it is important never to talk about monkeywrenching tactics (and obviously not specific exploits) at Earth First! meetings or to anyone you've met through Earth First! - you never know who may be an undercover investigator. The farthest Earth First! goes as an organized group is nonviolent civil disobedience. There are two types of civil disobedience (CD): symbolic and direct action CD. Symbolic CD is used in campaigns where there is much public support and is generally only effective on a mass scale. Each arrest is made for its political statement as opposed for its direct effect in halting the destruction. This type of civil disobedience can attract potentially many more participants than direct actions, as moderate environmentalists may be driven through frustration to peacefully stand on the road but not to lock their necks with kryptonite to a grapple yarder. Direct action CD, such as tree-sits, tripods, lockdowns, and old car/debris blockades, is used to most effectively, yet non-violently, stop environmental destruction on the spot. The basic purpose of direct action CD is to buy time for other tactics such as lawsuits and public pressure campaigns to kick in and legally halt the destruction (and hopefully to permanently protect the area). Direct action CD can also put an issue into the media spotlight just as symbolic blockades can, but such tactics are portrayed less favorably than symbolic CD by the media. Direct action CD tends to draw fewer participants, as it is a potentially riskier tactic than symbolic CD with greater potential for violent reaction by local rednecks. Because of this, while the direct impact of lockdowns and tripods are much greater than symbolic tactics, the overall political impact due to its small numbers is often less. In addition, the media's negative portrayal of "hard-core" tactics to the public can even backfire by increasing public hostility to environmentalist goals. Earth First!ers should weigh in each specific campaign which CD style is most effective: whether the mass numbers that can be generated by symbolic CD will exert more political pressure than the value of temporarily stopping the destruction by direct action CD. Earth First!, because of its very image of being hard-core "radicals", generally has less ability to organize mass
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