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- Copyright � 1992 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Publication funded by the National Museums Assistance Programme of the Department of Communications / Publication financee par le Programme d'appui aux musees du ministere federal de communications.
Canadian Cataloguing in Pulication Data
Till, Barry
The blue and white porcelain of China
Text in English and French Includes bibliographical references
ISBN 0-88885-148-0
1. Porcelain, Chinese-Song and Yuan Dynasties, 960-1368. 2. Porcelain, Chinese- Ming and Qing Dynasties, 1368-1912. I. Swart, Paula. II. McElney, Brian S. III. Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. IV. Title. V. The Blue and White Porcelain of China
NK4565.5.T54 .1992 738.2'0951 C92-091060-2E
Donne�s de catalogage avant publication (Canada)
Till, Barry
The blue and white porcelain of China
Texte en anglais et en francais.
Comprend des references bibliographiques.
ISBN 0-88885-148-0
I. Porcelaine chinoise-960-1368 (Dynastie des Song et dynastie Yuan) 2. Porcelaine chinoise-1368-1912 (Dynastie des Ming et dynastie mandchoue). I. Swart, Paula.
II. McElney Brian S. III. Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. IV. Titre.
NK4565.5.T54.1992 738.2 0951 C92-091060-2F
Designed and printed in Canada by MORRISS PRINTING COMPANY LTD.
Victoria, British Columbia