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- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2021-12-09
- Date Modified
- 2021-12-09
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- passed on August 09, 2024 at 03:52
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Height: 5580Width: 3796File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 63589896Filename: 4663_pg_181.tifLast Modified: 2024-08-09T13:13:39.147ZOriginal Checksum: 8803964c380fe563151d3b8d0de79082Mime Type: image/tiff
- March 29/41 [1941] Met Archie Sherman + Don Quayle at Stacey's wharf at 10 A.M. Large numbers of Pilchards [sardines] in vicinity and great agregation of Glaucous-winged gulls. In trees on opposite shore 5 or 6 Bald headed eagles were sitting - both juvenile + old birds. On way down arm dredged near 1st Island - stinking mud and remains of pilchards Passed individual guillemots - some in summer plumage - some still in winter plumage or in process of changing. Chased one of the latter in Tod inlet but failed to hit it with 3-4 shots of 3" [inch] shells in .410. Dredged off Brentwood, off Island in ferry lane + off Bamberton. Shrimps; munida [squat lobster], Sea squirts, eggs of Scorpaenichthys(?) [aka Cabezon], very small, pinkish, eyed. Saw many cormorants (Pelagic) in large flocks on return trip. Also Guillemots in both plumage phases. Quite large masses of squid eggs were seen at Stacey's - freshly laid - 3 capsules, each containing about 50 eggs were collected.
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