File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2021-12-08
- Date Modified
- 2021-12-08
- Fixity Check
- passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
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Height: 5580Width: 3796File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 63589896Filename: 4567_pg_085.tifLast Modified: 2024-08-08T23:09:23.438ZOriginal Checksum: a1f907764dbd6aedd09a60c72eea452aMime Type: image/tiff
- BIRD LIST Lac du Bois area June 5-11,1941. Mallard - 50 - mostly eclipsing [male symbol]s. Pintail - 1 pair, pond. Shoveller 1 pair, pond. Blue-winged Teal - 1 pair, pond. Goldeneye (Barrows) 30 [female symbol]'s and young. Holboell's Grebe - 6. Horned Grebe - 2. Ruddy Duck - 3 pairs. Coot - 5 pairs (Bachelor, McQueen, Pass lakes ["s" striked through]) Tule Wren (McQueen Lake) 10 pairs. Bluebill - 3 pairs (Lac du Bois). Loon (3 pairs) (McQueen, Lac de Bois & Pass lake) Red-tail Hawk 2. Swainson's Hawk 2. Crows - 30. Magpie 1. Horned Lark 25 Bachelor Lake area. Long-billed Curlew 4. Herron Range & Lac du Bois Killdeer 12. Spotted Sandpiper 8 pairs. Horned Owl. 10 birds. Pigmy Owl 2. Goshawk - pair and nest. Red-breasted Nuthatch. Lark sparrow. Chipping sparrow. Song Sparrow. Cassin Finch Tree Swallow Crossbill (Red) Barn Swallow
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