Transcript |
- Crotalus [underlined]
Osoyoos [word cut off when scanned], B.C. May 24, 1941.
Have seen 2 and taken one near the rocks
east of camp.
Penticton, B.C. May 31, 1941.
[S.J.] Darcus reports them leaving the denning
spots early May. Is convinced from his
observations that they mate before dispersal.
Two years ago in June he shot a [female symbol] with an 8" [inch]
young following her. Within the female were 6
young of various lengths and 2 eggs.
Apparently ovulation is serial and the eggs
develop and young are born one at a time through
the summer.
Shot a small rattler out in the open near
White Lake.
[S.J.] Darcus reports taking one 5'[feet] 10" [inches] long and of
seeing at least one other as big as that.
Mr. [A.C.] Mackie at Vernon Preparatory School
takes about one hundred rattler every year.
Measures all of them and examines them for eggs.
His measurements average much the same each year
Within an inch of 2'[feet][+/-]. Of 131 to date this
year there have been only 35 eggs. Longest
snake he ever took was 3' [feet] 10" [inches].
[A.C.] Mackie took first on March 22, 1941, about a
week earlier than usual.
1. 18" [inches] on road near nighthawk
May 23 2 24. Collected at foothills on Incaneep
Reserve at 6 a.m. on chilly morning, very slug-
gish. Another seen in Sylvilagus burrow.