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Tiffany Chan
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passed on September 04, 2024 at 11:00
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Filename: Antique-Chinese_024.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-04T18:45:23.542Z
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Creator Transcript
  • 21 Circular Box Ming dynasty; mid 16th century d. 5.2 cm; The Reid Collection The central motif on the lid of this small box is the Daoist yin yang emblem, the principle of dualism. This emblem signifies the negative and positive principles of uni- versal life. Yin symbolizes female, dark, moon, and earth, while Yang stands for male, light, sun, and heaven. Radiating from this emblem are four blade-shaped forms. On the edge of the rim are seven- petalled flowers and leaves of tear-drop shape. The colours include: red, white, yel- low, green, and cobalt blue, on a turquoise- blue ground. 22 Square Box Ming dynasty, early 17th century h. 3 cm; The Reid Collection The design on the lid is of flowers sprout- ing from an eroded rock. The sides are decorated with simple floral designs. The colours include: red, white, yellow, dark green, light green, and cobalt blue, on a greenish-turquoise ground. 23 Large Four-Sided Jar Ming dynasty; early to mid 17th century h. 37.5 cm; The Reid Collection The shape of this large jar is copied from an ancient ritual bronze vessel known as the fanghu. The inside of the upper rim is decorated with a squirrel and grapevine pattern. The exterior of the jar is divided by three narrow floral bands. Two sides of the jar have a pictorial scene of a phoenix flying over waves with a tree and rocks on either side. The other two sides are deco- rated with a peacock standing amidst flowers near a tree. The neck of the jar has elaborate pendant decorations. The pendants over the phoenix have the yin yang symbol. The splayed foot is decorated with ponies galloping above crested waves. The shoulders are ornamented with bronze lion masks and ring handles. In all aspects, this vessel is one of the finest ancient cloi- sonne fanghu-shaped jars in existence.
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