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Dean Seeman
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passed on September 06, 2024 at 12:39
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Filename: DirectAction101_001.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-06T20:16:31.615Z
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Creator Transcript
  • DIRECT ACTION! 101 A primer... El Lobo Solo "Sentiment without action is the min of the soul." -Ed Abbey EARTH FIRST! is a verb, not a noun. In order to be an environmental movement, you've got to move! Get up and do something for the Earth! There are no "50 simple ways to save the planet." There are innumerable very difficult ways. Recycling and "setting a good example" doesn't cut it when you are the last generation with any chance of implementing a human- engineered cure. Direct Action means personal, focused efforts on the front-lines of the war against the Earth. EARTH FIRST! is defined by its actions, the purpose of which is to: -ACTUALLY HALT THE DESTRUCTION, force the companies to quit, the Forest Dis-Service to withdraw its sale, the bulldozers to halt. Our primary purpose is to personally intercede, to "stop the bleeding." The most "symbolic" action stops the saws, and leaves the log-trucks lined-up empty. -RAISE THE STAKES. Even once removed from the tree platforms and the blockades, we have upped the ante. A clear message to the Earth rapists: No more "business as usual." -GARNER MEDIA. You can't hope to change people's minds or put pressure on politicians without calling attention to the damage. Civil Disobedience or a clever banner-hanging exposes the issue on the front page of papers that normally hide a single paragraph on ecological catastrophe next to the ads. Arrests, in particular, sway sentiment by impressing others the depth of your concern and sacrifice. -STRENGTHEN RESOLVE. An action is the most empowering imaginable event, a rite of passage that fills the participant with pride. There is the special satisfaction of a David defying the Goliath, doing the right thing, acting out what Bill Devall calls the will-of-the-planet. We learn to work in concert with others with life-affirming values. DEMOS "Demonstrate" to the culprits, and to the world, that when all our letters are ignored, our arguments mitigated, and our legal appeals denied, we still refuse to accept the accelerating destruction. We put our bodies and our time where our mouths are - at the front! We demonstrate our fear, hurt, and just rage against the despoilers. Now with humanity itself endangered by suicidal "progress", we deny it power, refuse to acquiesce, refuse to be stilled! There is no such thing as "risk-free" environmentalism, but demos are protected under the constitution. (A fortunately rare exception is when the police give you "five
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