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Filename: 92_2014-020_Scrapbook_8-3_26.tif
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left: article with black and white illustration: “It’s heads I win!” “Now here’s a girl cricketer…” [photo: “Paulette Lynch and Rachel Heyhoe (with bat)”]; black and white handbill: “Homosexual men & women — are you one of them?” [Gay Action Group; Birmingham]; article: “Revolt of the female impersonators queens” [concerning Ned Ludd]; illustration: black and white photo [“Ah; that’s better!”] right: article with black and white illustration: “Jack Hayward has a face that launched 98 lady cricketers…” [concerning the Women’s Cricket World Cup] [photos: “Valerie Farrell; a lively looking bowler from down-under…” “Kiwi Eileen Bodham shows the same kind of grit…”]; article: “Seeing spots?…then be thankful” [credit: Ronald Bedford]; article: “As for the underarm jibe still heard so often I can tell you it was a woman who introduced overarm bowling to the world…”; article: “A brush-off for painter Caroline” “Caroline Finn saw herself as a pioneer for women when she tried to get a job as a painter and deorator…”; article: “Dusty’s Way” “Dusty Springfield; who has not been seen in her own shows on BBC television since 1969…”

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