Edo_Arts_of_Japan_Last_Shogun_Age 185

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  • 13. Kunihisa Utagawa (1832-91) Crossing the Oi River / Traversee de la riviere Oi Woodblock print Purchased with Funds from Judith Patt p.24/25 Porters ferrying a daimyo procession over the Oi river can be seen, with Mt. Fuji near Edo in the distance. Des porteurs font traverser la riviere Oi � leur daimyo et sa suite. Au loin, on apercoit le mont Fuji pres d'Edo U. Kuniteru Yusai (1808-76) Fukuroi Series: Suehiro Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido Woodblock print Purchased with Funds from Judith Patt AGGV 2008.030.003 p.26 A daimyo procession with musketeers and pikemen are shown here marching through Fukuroi. Note the townspeople prostrate as a sign of respect as the procession passes by them. Un daimyo en procession avec ses mousquetaires et ses piquiers defile dans Fukuroi. Remarquez les habitants qui se prosternent sur leur passage en signe de respect. 15 Sadahide Utagawa (1807-73) Kawasaki Series: Suehiro Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido Woodblock print Purchased with Funds from Judith Patt, AGGV 2008.030.002 p.27 An elaborate daimyo procession boards dozens of boats to cross the Rokugo River to Kawasaki Station. Les nombreux membres de la suite d'un daimyo s'entassent sur des douzaines d'embarcations pour traverser la riviere Rokugo et se rendre au relais de Kawasaki. 16 Hokusai Katsushika (1760-1849) Fuji from Shimo Meguro / Mont Fuji depuis Shimo Meguro Woodblock print Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection, AGGV 1963.075.001 p.29 This scene, which shows peasants, a village and terraced fields, wonderfully captures the atmosphere of the countryside using a minimum number of colours. Cette scene, qui represente des paysans, un village et des champs en terrasses, rend magnifiquement I�atmosphere de la Campagne en minimisant le recours � la couleur. 17. Hokusai Katsushika (1760-1849) Fuji from Fujimigahara in Bishu Province / Mont Fuji depuis Fujimigahara dans la province de Bishu Woodblock print Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection AGGV 1963.077.001 p.30 A craftsman is seen here making a huge circulartub using large metal hoops. Un artisan est en train de fabriquer un immense bassin circulaire au moyen de cerceaux metalliques. 18 Yoshitaki Utagawa (1841-99) Famous Tea Merchant Shop / Magasins de the reputes Series: One Hundred Views of Osaka Woodblock print Gift of John Boehme 2008.019.003 p.31 19. Shokusanjin (1749-1823) Peony / Pivoine Fan painting, ink on paper Gift of Bunzo Nakanishi, AGGV 1968.091.001 p.32 Shokusanjin was a well- known, witty kyoka (poet) who was often invited to dinners at the homes of wealthy merchants or to accompany them on boat rides. This fan painting is typical of what he may have painted as a gift for them. Shokusanjin eta it un celebre kyoka (poete) plein d�esprit que les riches marchands invitaient souvent � leur table ou dans leur bateau de plaisance. Cet eventail peint est typique de ce qu'il aurait pu peindre pour leur offrir un cadeau. 20. Hiroshige Ando (1797-1858) The Drum Bridge in Snow / Le pont Drum sous la neige Woodblock print Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection, AGGV 1965.038.001 p.33 21. Edo Gold and Silver Coins / Pieces d'or et d'argent de la periode Edo (1603-1868) Gift of Dr. and Mrs. James Langley, AGGV 2006.020.009-.025 p.34 22. Hiroshige Ando (1797-1858) The Timberyard, Fukagawa / Le depot de bois, Fukagawa Woodblock print Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection, AGGV 1965.036.001 p.35 This snow scene is one of Hiroshige's most famous prints. He has beautifully illustrated the scene with strong verticals and diagonals, as seen in the poles of lumbers combined with the zigzag of the river. The print gives a strong sense of distance. The logs were delivered to the yards in the form of rafts, poled up and down the river. The wood was used for the construction of the city of Edo, which at that time was the world's largest wood-built city. Cette scene sous la neige est Tune des estampes les plus connues d'Hiroshige. La scene est magnifiquement illustree au moyen de fortes verticales et diagonales : remarquez les perches de bois au-dessus du zigzag de la riviere. L�oeuvre transmet I'impression de distance avec puissance. On livrait les billots au depot par flottaison, pousses � la perche vers l'amont ou l'aval de la riviere. Ce bois servait � la construction de la ville d'Edo qui eta it � l�epoque la plus grande ville construite en bois du monde. 23 Hiroshige il Utagawa (1829-69) New Port (with foreign ships in background] / Nouveau port (et des navires maritimes etrangers a Tarriere-plan] Woodblock print Gift of Ralph and Jeanne Greenhill AGGV 1996.041.007 p.36 24. Unknown artist / Artiste anonyme (c. 1854) Foreigners are Coming! - Commodore Perry of the American Navy / Les etrangers arrivent! - Le commodore Perry de la marine americaine Woodblock print Given in memory of Mrs. Theo Wiggan by her Ikebana students and friends AGGV 2007.036.001 p.37 The main reasons the United States sent Commodore Matthew Perry to Japan in 1853 was to open up Japan, so the U.S. could use it as a coaling base for its steamships and for trade, and to make sure Japan treated any of its shipwrecked sailors well. La principale raison pour laquelle les Etats-Unis envoient le commodore Matthew Perry au Japon en 1853 est pour forcer son ouverture au reste du monde, car ils voulaient pouvoir ravitailler leurs vapeurs en charbon et commercer avec les Japonais. Ils voulaient egalement s�assurer que le Japon traite ses marins convenablement en cas de naufrage. 25 Hiroshige II Utagawa (1826-69) Picture of a Mercantile Establishment in Yokohama, 1861 / Illustration d'un commerce a Yokohama, 1861 Woodblock print Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection AGGV 1962.016.001 p.38/39 This interesting print shows the first American firm (Walsh and Company) to settle in Yokohama. The image is full of contrasting costumes of Westerners, Chinese and native Japanese. The Japanese-style main building has an American and a Chinese wing. Cette fascinante estampe represente la premiere entreprise americaine [Walsh and Company) a s'installer � Yokohama. Le contraste est frappant entre les habits occidentaux, chinois et japonais. Le principal edifice, de style japonais, comporte une aile americaine et une aile chinoise.
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