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- samourai' et lettre confuceen, recommandait l�etude des armes, de la technotogie, de l'economie et des politiques occidentals pour Le bien de la nation. II sera arrete et persecute par la faction qui s�opposait � l'ouverture aux etrangers, ce qui I�amenera � commettre le seppuku a 1'�ge de 48 ans. On se rendra compte qu'il avait raison et on fera de lui un heros culturel et historique.
102. Shukuya Aoki
Moshiku Admiring Lotus / Moshiku admirant un lotus Hanging scroll, ink and colours on silk
Women�s Committee Cultural Fund Purchase,
AGGV 1977.1 1 1.001 p.121 (right)
103. Naonobu Kano (1607-50) Mount Fuji / Mont Fuji Hanging scroll, ink on paper; Gift of Mrs. E. Gotz in memory of Percy Gotz, AGGV
1970.109.001 p.122
104 Rosetsu Nagasawa
(1754-99) [attributed]
Tethered Monkey /
Singe en taisse Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk L. Wright Collection p. 123
105 Hakuin Ekaku
Monkey Catching the Moon / Le singe qui veut attraper la tune Album leaf mounted as a hanging scroll, ink on paper Gift of Mrs. Marjorie Finlayson AGGV 1988.026.001 p. 124/125
Hakuin was one of the most important Zen masters of his time and was credited with revitalizing the Zen religion and its art.
Hakuin fut l�un des principaux maftres Zen de son temps et on lui attribue la revitalisation de la religion Zen et de son art.
106. Setsuzan (1743-1820)
Pet monkey with dressed dog / Singe de compagnie avec chien habille Hanging scroll, ink and colours on paper L. Wright Collection p. 126
107. Mori Sosen (1747-1821) Monkey / Singe
Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper L. Wright Collection p.127
108. Nakabayashi Chikuto
Thatched Hut Amidst Myriad Peaks / Chaumiere au milieu d�une myriade de pics rocheux Hanging scroll, ink and light colours on silk Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection
AGGV 1970.107.001 p.128
109. Tesseki Fujimoto
Poetical Gathering in the Western Garden / Reunion poetique dans le jardin occidental
Hanging scroll, ink and colours on silk Gift of Mr. and Mrs.
R. W. Finlayson
AGGV 1977.056.001 p.129
Tesseki, a great warrior and acknowledged literati-style painter and scholar, was killed on the battlefield trying to restore the power of the Emperor Komei.
Tesseki fut un grand guerrier ainsi qu'un peintre literati et un lettre repute. II fut tue sur le champ de bataiLie en tentant de ramener I'empereur Komei au pouvoir.
110. KanryoIkeno (1753-1830) Landscape / Paysage Hanging scroll, ink and light colours on paper
Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection, AGGV 1969.090.001 p.130 (left)
111 Baiitsu Yamamoto
Hawk in Snow /
Faucon dans la neige Hanging scroll, ink on silk Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection AGGV 1967.143.001 p.130 (right)
Baiitsu was not born into a samurai family, but was permitted to wear swords by his master, the Lord of Awari. Baiitsu's painting of Hawk in Snow, which shows a flying hawk poised for its descent
to kill its prey, is typical of the theme of unbridled power and physical prowess, which would have been admired by the samurai class.
Baiitsu n'appartenait pas � une famille de samourai's, mais son m aft re, le seigneur d'Awari, lui permit de porter les sabres. La peinture de Baiitsu intitulee Faucon dans la neige, qui represente un faucon en pleine descente vers sa proie est typique du theme du pouvoir dechafne et des prouesses physiques qui auraient fait I'admiration de la classe des samourai's.
112. Goshun Matsumura
(1752-181 1)
Two Crows In Sunset / Deux
corbeaux au coucher du soleil
Hanging scroll, ink and
colours on silk
Fred and Isabel
Pollard Collection
AGGV 1967.144.001 p.131 (left)
Goshun, born into a samurai family, gave up his status to become a painter, learning Chinese-style poetry, calligraphy, music and painting.
Goshun naquit dans une famille de samourai's. II abandonna son Statut pour devenir peintre et apprendre la poesie, la calligraphic, la musique et la peinture d'inspiration chinoise.
113. Buson Yosa (1716-84)
Two Mynah Birds Flying Over Flowering Reeds / Deux mainates survolent des roseaux en fleurs Hanging scroll, ink on silk Gift of Mrs. Marjorie Finlayson AGGV 1982.074.001
p. 131 (right)
Buson was a great poet and a top Nanga school painter.
Buson fut un grand poete et un des meilleurs poetes Nanga.
114. Baigai Todoki (1733-1804) Geese In Wintry Pond /
Oies sur I�etang en hiver Hanging scroll; ink and light colour on paper Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection
AGGV 1974.076.001 p. 132 (left)
Baigai was a Confucian scholar, who taught at a school for the children of samurai.
Baigai eta it un lettre confuceen qui enseignait dans une ecole reservee aux enfants des samourai's.
115. FugaiEkun (1568-1654) Daruma Crossing the Yangzi River on a Reed / Daruma traverse le Yangzi sur un Roseau
Hanging scroll, ink on paper Gift of Mr. and Mrs.
R. W. Finlayson AGGV 1979.002.001 p. 132 (right)
116. Nanmei Haruki
Shoki astride Tiger/ Shoki � cheval sur un tigre Hanging scroll, ink on paper L. Wright Collection p.133
117. Tosa painter / Pientre
(18th/19th century)
Narrative Scene from Classical Japanese Literature / Scene d'un recit de la litterature classique japonaise Six-fold screen, ink, colours and gold on paper Gift of Mr. Howard Roloff,
AGGV 1981.180.001 p.134/135
This painting uses a traditional compositional technique known as fuki-nuki yatai to depict the interior of a structure by rendering the building without a roof and ceiling so the viewer can look directly inside from above.
Cette peinture fait appel � une technique traditionnelle de composition appelee fuki- nuki yatai pour representer I�interieur d�une structure en eliminant le toit et le plafond de facon � ce que le spectateur regarde directement depuis le haut vers I�interieur.
118. Sanraku Kano (1559-1635) Peacocks and Pine Tree /
Paons et pins
Six-fold screen, ink and colours on gold leaf,
(screen from the Nijo Castle in Kyoto sold by Yamanaka & Company to the celebrated American architect Frank Lloyd Wright in the