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86 Kuniyoshi Utagawa (1798-1861) Parade of Sumo Wrestlers / Defile de iutteurs Sumo, Woodblock print
During the Edo period, sumo wrestling became a professional sport and acquired a loyal following, which has lasted to this day. A parade of bulky wrestlers in their formal aprons can be seen here inside a large, elaborate and temporary stadium filled with fans in the foreground and in the two tiered stands on either side.
87. Yoshiiku Utagawa (1833-1904) Hodogaya, Series: Suehiro Fifty- three Stations of the Tokaido Woodblock print
In this image there are several foreigners, one with a long telescope looking curiously at the pageantry of a daimyo procession travelling on the Tokaido highway.
88 Kunisada II Utagawa (1823-80) Kabuki Actor Sanogugaemon as Kawarazaki Gonjuro / Acteur Kabuki Sanogugaemon en Kawarazaki Gonjuro, Woodblock print