File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2021-12-08
- Date Modified
- 2021-12-08
- Fixity Check
- passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
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Height: 2819
Width: 2382
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 20170486
Filename: 2008_pp_023.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T05:36:57.981Z
Original Checksum: d2d547b9f19a70daee8eb4ecdbdb633a
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator |
Transcript |
- -21-
Sept. [September] 12, 1930.
Rain all day - drizzle. Saw varied thrush and hermit
thrush. Hiked to Alberta - B.C. [British Columbia] boundary and took
Callospermophilus right on the boundary.
Sept. [September] 13, 1930.
Intermittent rain or snow all day and night. Set
some flying squirrel traps near Boom Lake.
Sept. [September] 14, 1930.
Lynx pulled out of trap by whistler carcase [carcass]. Set
traps by porky carcase [carcass] near Boom Lake. Hiked to Mile 25 -
chipmunks common. Saw Savannah sparrow.
Sept. [September] 15, 1930.
Set some traps for voles in marshy area along Boom
Creek near Boom Lake. Sign numerous. Saw a young vole
swimming in the river.
Boom Creek and Lake.
My camp in this area is pitched beside Boom Creek about
half a mile from the road. Being in the thick spruce woods
everything is very damp. Just below (s [south]) of my camp is a small
area of sphagnum muskeg. Here mice seem to be very abundant.
About 3 miles through the woods along the trail to Boom Lake
is another and more extensive area of sphagnum bog. On the
west of this area are steep mountains with extensive talus
slopes at their bases. To the east the hills are not as steep
or rocky, having open grassy slopes near the tops. Boom Lake
itself is shut in on three sides by mountains and thick
woods, on the third side the ground is very marshy and the
trees not quite so thick.
Distance from Banff 27 miles west.
Distance from Kootenay Park 2 miles east.
Altitude camp 5600'
Lake 6000 to 6500'.