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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
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Filename: 1996_pp_011.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T00:11:03.827Z
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Creator Transcript
  • June 24, 1930. Took 1 jumping mouse and 2 Peromyscus on bank of Athabasca. In evening set muskrat traps on Talbot Lake. Took large male beaver and by some chance it it in skull! Saw 6 more beaver, 1 moose and 4 deer and 1 goat. Ring-neck duck on Talbot Lake. Mr. [Frank] Bryant reports seeing fisher tracks in the Tonquin Valley in fall of 1929. No mink tracks seen on Athabaska [Athabasca] in last 4 years by him. June 25, 1930. Rained hard. Took [male symbol] muskrat, several Peromyscus and set traps for voles in marsh in Pocahontas [Pocohontas]. Took [female symbol] lesser scaup with broken wing. June 26, 1930. Fair, rain at night. Deer in summer coat. Took 3 musk- rats, saw [female symbol] American merganser in Talbot Lake and green-wing teal. June 27, 1930. Rain day and night. Greater scaups and Widgeon in Talbot Lake. Saw yellow warblers there also. Took pair of voles in marsh at Pohohontas [Pocohontas]. Found dead yearling mule deer, it had fallen into a small pot hole and got its back legs snagged between two branches. Nest of eastern white- crowned sparrow. June 28, 1930. Fine. Shot adult and young horned owl. Saw elk and porky. Latter was eating briar leaves. Took savannah sparrow (yellow eyebrow). Found old coyote den under large fir, bones of rabbit, squirrel, ground squirrel, muskrat and birds. June 29, 1930. Fine all day. Took [female symbol] and [male symbol] Callospermophilus [underlined] and juv. [juvenile] Pack rat. Mr. Adams reports seeing a mink on Maligne Creek on the evening of June 28. He states that this is the first he has seen in the park in many years. Saw clay- coloured sparrow, Say's phoebe and Arkansas kingbird. In evening took 2 more young Neotoma. Chipmunks very rare around Jasper House. Heard one and saw another but neither were taken..
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