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rise to the occasion.
Wo less than l6 went away on leave today, and if that rate is maintained my next leave will roll around inside of three weeks.
Have "been exercising that prerogative of a woman- to change*, her mind- the past few days, and have practically decided to head for Maples. Our pay sergt, was down there a couple of months ago, so I’m goingto "button hole him and get all the dope on the subject. He isn't overly endowed with "brains, is "overcoat Pete", hut should "be able to give me a few pointers. I'd hate to take leave to Paris and have the unit move there after. As for Blighty., it is generally understood that we are to go tnere for demobilization, in which event one should he able to grah off another leqve. I'd like to give Scotland, and Ireland the once-over before going back, hut really Naples at this time of the year appeals to me a great deal more. More on this subject in my next,
Ca.n't under stand what is holding up the parcel mail. Haven't had nary eight nor sign of a parcel since ?;e' ve been here. I know there are several on the way for me, and the Lord only knows I need a change of sox. Perhaps my luck will he in tomorrow.
Beceived the kid's letter, with snaps enclosed. Some guys sure have an easy time of it, don't they? When I stop to think how he has put in the last summer, and the way in wh i ch. I did, I can't help envying him. Oh well/ my turn will come before very long I hope.
Too cold to write any more. I'm going to shut up shop and go down into the boiler room and annoy the shoemakers.
Love to all,
Mone, Prance,
Lee. 8th, 1918.
Lear Mother and Lad,-
Well, we're still nanging around Mons. Pully expected to pull out this morning- in fact hah all the wagons loaded- but late last night the move was canoelled, I hear now that we are due to deport next Wednesday, but I'll believe it when we're actually on the road. Prom what I can gather our eventual destination is in the neighborhood of Louvain, between that city and . 'Tis said too, that we
are to winter there. If we do, it's a certainty that it will be in more comfortable quarters than we had the two winters previous. Gould hardly be worse.
When Iwrote you last I believe I mentioned that I was in Line for a trip to Brussells in a few days, I made the grade air Sigh, t- very next day in fact. Was warned to be ready for it at 8 o'cxccis: m