97-051_LTRS 110

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2014_97-051_110.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T16:54:46.805Z
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Creator Transcript
  • wae only something to write about, but at times even that ia lack­ing. Nothing more to esy, ao will dope for this trip. Love to all, from Fred - 110 - France, 1 Feb. 28th, 1917. Lear Mother and Lad,- Well, here we ere again. Seems to me that I have done wonder­fully well in the letter writing line, considering the censorship to which we are subjected to. And if, as you say, I write an inter­esting letter under such conditions,, what couldn't I do were we given free rein. No use conjecturing,, is there,, for that won't help matters any, ao will just have to., carry on with material that isn't of any military value. We're etill in the little village from which I wrote Marjorie a couple of days ego, and will probably be here for a week or so yet. After that, the line again, but on a. different front from the last. If it is no worse than our last time in,. will have no. kick coming at all,,at all. Still, good or bad the work has to be done, sou its "up the line with the best of luck". Will probably be able to send along a photo of the old Y gang in a few days, as we had one taken last Friday, in the same town < in which our reunion took place. It ought to be a fairly good one as the photographer had some mighty good subjects to* work on, and the post cetfds he had on display were really good. I'll very like­ly take a run over there tomorrow, to see if he has them finished, and if so w£ll send one by the next mail. We had left ell arrangements for the photo with Horn, but I had a hunch that he would fall clown on the job. Sure enough, he did too. We were to.meet bim at the Y end then "carry on" and pick up the rest of the gang at their billet. The six of us from this village made a fast trip over,. bluffing our way past the militagr police. Had to. as we were without passes. Arrived at the Y tO'.find Urnphy there, but no Horn, Hung around for a few minutes,, then decided to hunt him up at his billet,, the where­abouts of which we ascertained from his batman. Stopped en route to pick up the rest of the gang,,finding an addition to them in the person of Steve Cheeseman, formerly in the real estate busi­ness,.but now an ordinary bohunk stretcher bearer with No. 3 Field Amb, By this time we had quite a gang assembled,,thirteen in faot;. Lid you best to*, get Urnphy to take charge, but nothing
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