97-051_LTRS 282

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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Filename: 2186_97-051_282.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:31:48.187Z
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Creator Transcript
  • 278 - front, we not having to do more than load the cases on. ,-t least that is what they do in the other R.A.P.’s. This Bn. to which we’re attached, is in reserve, and. has had no casualties this trip in. Muchly obliged for your "many happy returns of the day". I’ll he home for the next one. Will have to leave you now as its time to get lunch ready. Had bacon, fried spuds and toast for breakfast, but I feel as though I could down a gooid meal right now just the same. As ever, Yours lovingly, BRED Prance, November 4th, 1913, Tear Mother and Bad, - Have just finished reading the paper chronicling the sur­render of Turkey, and the unofficial report that Austria has asked Italy for an armistice. Even if the latter report isn’t true, it can’t be very long before it does come to pass. It’s the best reading I’ve had for many a moon. Almost entirely encircled by enemies, if. is only a question of a few weeks before Germany will have to throw up the sponge also. Won’t it be grear if hostilities do cease by Xmas. Got me a new job these days- assistant canteen manager. Let went on leave a couple of days ago so I have taken his place. When Pinn went on the cars I fully expected to get his j on, having spoken to Let about it quite a few times. Let did his best to get me in but the S.M. being away at the time, he couldn’t turn the trick. Anyway Bert Lovell deserves the job ahead of me being an original of the unit. Shouldn't care for the job in summer, but it ha? line work beaten all hollow as a winter pastime. We have a snug little room here and though army rations ane as monotonous as ever, what with a. few extras from the canteen stock, when we have any, we manage to eke out an existence. Received your birthday parcel the day after that highly im­portant eventoccurred. That Pruit cake of Agnes’s was all that it was cracked up to be, and then some. We had a dandy meal that day,and the cake put the finishing touches to it. The eight days or so we put in at that post, meant more good meals to me than I’ve had since coming to Prance, with the exception of when I was on leave of course. Seems to me that every time I write I can’t get away from the subject of eats. Believe me it’s half the battle over here. Today (Sunday) we had our old friend Maconochie, or ratherthe other fellows did. I severed dipl omaticrel at ions with that gent a long time ago, A. small tii
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