97-051_LTRS 192

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2096_97-051_192.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:27:13.595Z
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Creator Transcript
  • 189 France, Jan 2nd, 1918. Dear Mother and Dad,- I made a breve attempt to start this letter lest night, but gave it up as a bad job. Simply didn’t feel in t>ie mood for writing. The 1 ong expected Canadian mail came aL on/? yesterday, and needless to say it was very welcome. There was a letter from you Mother, for each of us, and, also one from Marjorie, I opened the one for the kid, read it, then readdressed it and sent it on. «Vill send the other two this afternoon. No doubt bb now you'll have his Blighty address, and can .rite him direct, savin#? thereby a couple of weeks in the delivery, I suppose that now I'll be able to say wCh yes, I came out in '16, Some distinction, eh? No cel e ration ofany kind here yesterday. In the morning put in several nours on the woodpile. It being a very cold morn­ing the exercise did me good. To start the new Year right, w© had a bath perade in the afternoon, entailing a five mile route march each way. However, ss I was pretty lousy, I didn’t mind the long walk. Came down the line two days ago, and immediately proceeded to hunt me up a billet, the one her© being too cold for comfort­able sleeping. Found ©fine one, so that same evening Jim Park, T*-:tl ow, Fred Lean and 1 moved into it, bag and baggage. Only one bed, so we tossed up to see who should have it, and Jim and I lost. We have a good soft mattress to sleepon though, so we should worry whether it is raised off the floor or not. There is also a good stove, the fuel for which we managed to get from the o. ’ ,S, So taking it ell in all, we have no kick coming whatsoever, Jim and Tet are awful fellows to get out of bed in the morn­ing, Fred and I are usually up and dressed before they show any signs of life. Having' slept with Jim before, I glwarned onto the side of the bed nearest the wall, knowing that if I didn't, I’d very probably find myself sleeping on the floor before morning. That boy could sleep on a 2x4 providing it was on a movable plat­form, I am looking forward to receipt of your parcel containing that heavy sweater, for it would come in mighty handy these cold days, I hope it hasn’t go?je astray Haven’t heard from the kid since I last write you, but ought ' to have a letter any day now. All the old boys in the unit ©re inter­ested in his welfare, and I guess I have to give information about him a do gen times a day.
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