97-051_LTRS 210

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2114_97-051_210.tif
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  • 207 - Came down the line several days ago, our section having been relieved. Can't recall having had a more quiet ten days up the line.. We put in five days in an E.A.P., and only had one sick man to take out, and he walked. That R.A.P. was a peach as far as comfortable surroundings go- I don't think. About its only redeeming feature was the fact that it was some thirty feet underground, and as a con­sequence was whet we term bomb proof. In size it was maybe 7*^10 ' x6' and in this huge dungeon four of us slept, eat and otherwise existed. It was rat infested, damnably cold, oozed moisture everywhere, but aside from those minor details, as a healthful winter resort it was unsurps.ssa.ble. ghould you at any time visit that particular neck of the woods, I have no hesitation in advising you to put up at that joint. I can assure you the experience will be unique, and one you'll never forget. Our chief occupation up there were sleeping, eating and playing crib. Rarely did we turn in before midnight, and it was usually ten or after before one of us turned out in the morning to cook breakfast. Prom, then on till midnight, it was a case of read, eat or play crib, varied only by a trip down to a relay post for our rations,which by the way were none too plentiful. There is a bitterly cold wind howling outside, accompanied by a heavy snow storm, the first heavy fall for a couple of months. [Doesn't seem to be any likelihood of its letting up for a. while either. Am quite snug here though, sitting on my blankets writing this with a. petrol can for a desk. There are 11 of us in this dugout- even live in them at hqrs.- heated by a battered and venerable heater, salvaged from Lord knows where. Wood is a. big problem, but somehow or other we have managed to hustle enough to keep the home fires burning;, so far,. And that is half the battle these winter days. In that last group picture I sent you- taken in Lillero- you'll find a fellow by the name of Alex Ross. If I'm not mistaken he is sit­ting on the left of the front row. His folks used to live in Kanaimo,yV but a few weeks ago they moveddown to Victoria and are now living at 1875 Port Street. Prom what "Skinny" told, me a few days ago,, his mother and youngestsis ter are the only menbers of the family there,his father being over in Blighty- wounded. Do you think you could find time to pay them a visit? "Skinny"'plays on our foot ball team, and has been with us since Sept. 1916, so we are old pals. Am sure his mother would be pleased to see you. Am pleased to hear that you are only joking about me getting a commission and your remark re officers getting swell heeded sure hit the nail on the head. Some of them are insufferable. How any man could so lower himself as to be a batman is beyond me. And yet they talk about "man power" over in Elighty, when there are a hundred thousand or so officers serv nte over here. The distinction between officer and man that is made in the army is enough to make one's blood boil. I'll not dwell any longer on the subject- it's too painful.
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