97-051_LTRS 92

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 1996_97-051_092.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:12:37.172Z
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  • soldiering out here, end not parading as hack hone. Now listen, Mother mine. Every so often in your letters you make mention of Dad’s not writing, as if you were afraid that we’d imagine he was neglecting us, Why shaw, I know how he feels, and I’m sure the kid does too. Just you keep on writing and I know he’ll reecho every loving word you send. I know he’s no letter writer, hut I also know that he’s just as proud of his two soldier hoys as you are, and that’s going some. Kindly take the hint. I got me a dandy hed this time. When we go up the line all our kit is handed in to the pack stores, so that each tune we come down it is a case of glomming onto a new hed, I was one of the first down,, so had a good selection, and I made the most1 of my opportunity. Have even a mattreee, which, while far from being immaculately clean, aids considerably in my nightly wooing of Morpheus, Plenty of blankets and a reel pillow a!so help ^some. So taken all in all, I have no cause for kicking. Only trouble is that I’m scared they’re going to send some of us uo the line on a working party in a few .days. Oh well, if so, why will eimply have to made the best of it. Received a dandy parcel from ’Frisco about a week ago,, but havei’t found time to write and thank Gus and Sadye yet. The con­tents were stuffed dates, raisins, figs, gum and candy. The kid had a similar one sent him, so he informed me. Gee the wind is sure whooping her up now. This hut is as ^cold as blj&es. Will have to go to bed soon to get warm, I can hear the paper kid yelling "Daily Mail" so I’ll call this off for a while, till I find out what the latest news is, Xmas evening The big feed is a thing of the past, and while the expression "too full for words" could be aptly applied to me, am going to make an earnest endeavor to finish this tonight. We were all agreeebly surprised at the repast served up to.us, for judging from the bread, jam and cheese dinner we had, the prospects weren’t very bright. At four o’clock the "cookhouse" blew and we all trooped into our fiiess room, which had been decorated for the occasion by some of the boys. Seated ourselves to find that the sergeants were to wait on jus for a change. First course was tomato, soup, and it was really fine. After which came roast beef, mashed potatoes, string beans and pickled walnuts. For dessert we had plum pudding and mince tarts. All kinds of oranges, canned fruit,, raisins, and nuts on the table, so taken all in all it was a fine repast. Plenty of cigars and cigarettes for the smokers, with candy also for everybody. No speeches to speak of, just a few words from, the O.G., and the same from the S.M. But gde, it fell a long way short of the Xmas to which I have
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