Transcript |
- 28l
That afternoon fifty of us inarched into the Grand Place in Mons to take part in the welcome to Currie hy the Burgomaster of the city. Gee,’ We were nearly mobbed. It was a beautiful day, and as you may expect, every person in the city was on the job. All the street leading to the Place were packed and we had literally to force our way through. All the units in the 3*‘<3l Division except the 10th Arab, who were too far back to get up, were represented, and the crowd went mad when Currie rode in with his body guard of lancers to the tune of the Belgian National anthem. After the ceremony was over, we marched past the saluting point, and for once at any rate the Croix Rouge got a hand.
Yesterday morning we moved into Mons, putting up at the joint whose note paper I’m using. (There*s a youngster pounding on the table with a coffee pot and singing at the same time, so excuse mistakes). Our canteen is located in the building, but we have a billet in a private house, bed and all.
As you know, it was at Mons that the "old contemptibles" first came in contact with the enemy, and it is a fitting climax to the career of the best fighting divieion in the crack corps of the English Army that it should have the honor of re-taking this historic town. And even if we’re in a ron-ccmbatent outfit, I think my 30 months service in Prance entitles me to a share in the glory.
A muster parade was held today and we were informed that in four days we were to start on our long hike into Germany, with the Rhine as our final destination. As contemplated at present, the plans call for a 15 kilo march for two days, rest a day, march two days, rest again and so on. Just what place on the Rhine we’re heading for as well as how long we’ll stay there is more than I can tell you,
Hope it won’t be for long, for our reception there won’t be any too cordial, if I’m any judge. So in view of the above programme, I can see where my letters will be noted for their brevity.
This afternoon, 14 of we old timers- nearly all A section hied us to a photographers in Croix Square, and had a group taken.
Hope it will turn out all right, for it will be a. bon souvenir. The kid knows all of ’em. Too bad Let was on leave, but Sam May end Keech are leaving tomorrow so it had to be done in a hurry.
Have wandered over quite a. bit of this city since coming here yesterday. It is a fine place, with lots of good stores. But ye gods! the prices. Six francs for a 25 cent tube of tooth, naste.
Pive francs for a package of cigarettes, $0 centimes for a hanenny box of matches and so on. Thought I might be able to purchase a. few Xmas presents, but I hae me doote now. Still our big pay is due tomorrow, so I may be able to make the grade yet. It is very doubtful if I’ll get another leave in this country, so the purchasing I had intended makingdown in Nice or Naples is off.
Received your two parcels in Boussu- just over the frontier- fourdoys ago, and very welcome they were too. The apnles were dandy. Almost imp ossible to get candy over here now, sc we sure enjoyed that