97-051_LTRS 246
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2150_97-051_246.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T17:49:51.248ZOriginal Checksum: 86b020af255c8fcf88d65d18c3f1e76dMime Type: image/tiff
- 242 fen their own "being bound for this M.D.S. only,1 Had. to cover about 13 kilometre^, "but as vie were in full marching order, and in a very hilly district, it seemed an eternity before we flagged this joint, we all certainly heaved a mighty sigh of relief when we chucked our kit into a hut and prepared to make ourselves comfortable-- this was yesterday. It seemed we were too premature though, for we hadn’t been in the hut ten mintes before the W, 0, of the R.A.M.C, outfit in charge here, hauled us out, and with the aid of our sergt. assigned us our respective duties, such duties to start at once, as the 4th Amb., whom we relieved, were pulling out, Did we grouse? Well, we wouldn’t have been human if we hadn’t would we? Ho help for it though, orders were order®, so off to work I went, or rather I should say I reported for duty. My job? A new one1 for me, onthe day dressing staff-- one of four. While v/e are under the Imperials, in a way, v/e Canucks run our own show.. This is a corps dressing station, and quite the largest we’ve ever been attached to. While the line is quiet at present, judging from the 40 odd M.A.C. cars that are parked on the road outside the L.S,, I can readily imagine that it is a busy joint when a strafe is on. We receive casualties in our hut every other day. Today all wounded stretcher cases are carried in to the Imperial hut, and, urfLese there is a rush, in which event we’ll give them a hand, v/e have nothing whatsoever do to. Tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock we ooen up for business again, but if yesterday’® work is any criterion, don't expect to be keot very busy. So far I haven't had any case® to handle, the few who came in yesterday being looked after by our regular dressers. While I haven’t had any dressing room experience at all, I fancy I can make a fairly good fist at it, and who knows but what it may develop into a regular job. Sure bomb proof at any rate. Met Jimmy Stewart and Bud Middleton here yesterday. Both are looking fine, Jimmy ha® been holding down a clerk’s job and has hopes that it will be permanent. Am indebted to him for a fine piece of cake, and four blankets. Like me, Jim is a good blanket rustler? I remember lending him a couple one cold night before the Vimy scrap, when our units were billeted in the same village. Two evenings later he returned them with thanks, for having seven now, he didn’t need them any more. He was telling me about an encounter Bud had with a Imperial Staff Sgt, here. It seems that Bud desired a match, so he flagged this £^S, saying got a match, Mac? The S/S gave him the glassy stare and in icy tones wanted to know if Bud knew who he was talking to, ending with "I’m a staff-sergeant”. Bud didn’t bat an eye, just gave him the once over, and came back with "Well, you’re damned lucky. I’m only a buck", and turning away, left him speechless with indignation. Will have to take hack all the harsh things I've said in the p8.st about our mail service. Received those snaps two days ago, and the same day a letter came from. Vancouver, just 18 days on the way. That's pretty quick time, isn’t it?
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