97-051_LTRS 243
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2147_97-051_243.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T17:49:37.443ZOriginal Checksum: 425141fe0c99f5b17dec66216b6c15e1Mime Type: image/tiff
- 239 again for arihour, giving me ample time to straighten up my 'belongings and indulge in a good wash. At 9,30 cr thereabouts we’ ball players come into action, and occupy the parade ground for a couple of hours In the afternoon the soccer players prance around the fiend for a while, the most of thdr time being spent taking pot shots at me in goal. There is eome game or other going on every evening, so one doesn't lack for entertainment in that line. Have added considerably to my reputation ‘as a competent umpire for I've officiated in that capacity in no less than fourgames since I last wrote, two of them being league games. Usually have an assistant on the bases while I don the mask and protector and take my life irmy hands dodging foul tips behind the catcher. Tell you what I'd like you to send me Mother- a pocket book. The one I have was issued with my pay book in Blighty and is very much the worse for wear at present. The kid doubtless has his yet, so you can get the right size. How I don! t want an expensive one. "Any old kind will do, just so as it.is bpilt to stand rough usage. Also you might send another jar of Menthol a turn. A sunburned face eats that stuff up fast. Oh yes, how's chances for having a two pound box of oube sugar enclosed in my next parcel? W© have mush everymorning and the kid can tell you how much sugar the cooks put in it, June 20 ih I'm mailing you that little book Mother, having found it impossible to attempt to study it under the conditions in which we are forced to live. T® grasp the salient facts in a book of that nature one has to have solitude, and that is an unknown quantity around here. Keep it for me please, and maybe when I get back I'll be in a better position to appreciate it. Also I'm sending that photo of Hilda' s. Good, isn' t it? In a recent letter you mention a write up about Marjorie in the B.0.Veteran's Weekly, saying that I'll enjoy reading it. I to infer from that that you have mailed me a copy? If so, it hasn’t turned up yet, so to make certain, you might send another one. Guess I've reached the end of my tether. ( Love to all the tribe, PRED Lear Mother and Lad,- A.M.B.S, in Prance, June 28th, 1918. All good things are bound to come to an end sometime. Our long rest- over 11 weeks- terming+ed abruptly about four days ego and now we're on the job again in the forward zone. Just how we reached here is-a long story-- 66 kilometres long in fact-- and is deserving of a new paragraph.
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