97-051_LTRS 271

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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File Size: 101033026
Filename: 2175_97-051_271.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:31:09.211Z
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Creator Transcript
  • 26? I’m on ''lines” this morning, never a very hard job, and especially easy here, as the grease trap is only a few feet away from the kitchen, so the fatigues empty their own slops. Being on this j oh I'm massing one of our every so often inspections, for which I’m very sorry** nit. I underst8.no. tnat a pi’esenta wion If medals parade is to take place in a couple of days and this is a. pre­liminary inspection "by our "beloved "Mary1*.. We're out of the line at present, came out several days ago and Sammy tells me that we'll probably be located in this vil­lage for a, couple of weeks. Maybe yes, maybe no. In these days of surprise strafes, one knows lessthan ever before, what the next day 2iia.y bring in store for him. In the meantime I'm noo voirying any. I've been in better places, and I've been in a good deal worse. We've a Y canteen here, but no movies. While the movies we ha^e over here are nothing to boast about they serve to pass the time away and keep a fellow from having the blues too often. Pound a fairly good apple tree in a nearby orchard and last night I made araid on it to tne extent of half a kit bag. I'm not robbing anybody, for the fruit would only go to waste, through lack of picking. It is about all ‘the farmers can do to keep their crops up without bothering about orchards. Received your parcel yesterday. You say the cake was burned. To tell you the honest truth, it disappeared so fast that I was unable to ascertain whether it was or not. It surely went fine ^ too end you can encore on it at any time you please. ^ Afour handed crib game swallowed up the chocolate. Thanks, Marjorie - or uhe cutler Mighty good to taste real butter once in a while. As lor the sugar, it always comes in handy. Send granulated next time, will you. Juso put it in a cloth- cheese cloth- bag and then there'll be no danger of it spilling. Had a letter from Frank G? yesterday. He is still at Epson and having a fine time. Gets week end leave to London every two weeks and a midnight pass once a week as well. He has purely struck it soft Ernie was married to Tannis Cameron a fev/ days Tseiore ^ne wrote, *He enclosed a couple of snaps, one taken after the wectoing and 'tother of the gym staff. After several weeks of very storgay weather, we are enjoy­ing a spell of sunshiny days. Getting pretty chilly in the mornings. 6,30 reville, these days, but as summer "time goes out at the end 01 ? the month, there should be a change for the better then. Hare almost caught up with my correspondence. Some job too. what I mean. Wrote seven letters one day, and five the next. Hot too dusty, is it? Am mailing today a Pritsie gas helmet somevhatdifferent fror the one I sent you from Vimy?. This oneproves that Pritz is short of rubber. Should, hate to wear a thing like that for several, houj. s e o b
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