97-051_LTRS 188

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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Filename: 2092_97-051_188.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T16:59:17.808Z
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Creator Transcript
  • 185 Took in a mighty fine conoert last night- the "best I've ever seen over here, a programme of which I enclose, I should judge that it was set up by a French compositier. With one ex­ception- Julian SI tinge- I have never seen a more clever female impersonator than Hamilton, who is a 9th Arrb. boy. His makeup was perfeot, gowns beyond description, actions natural, and the possessor of a wonderful voice. There wasn’t a v/eak spot in the show, an added attraction being the R.C.R. band which has just: returned from six weeks visit to Paris, Note your remarks re we two trying for a, commission. In what pray? Ho thanks, I know when I’m well off. Speaking of that picture we had taken in front of the holly tree- have you any of the sraaps yet? If so, wish you’d send me one for I’d like to see how I looked in civvies. Well, Mother I guess I’ve said my say, so will call quits on this one, and get busy on another,. As ever. Yours lovingly, FRED A "Cushy” cellar in France, Xmas eve, 1917. Dear Mother and Dad,- If anybody had told me this time last year that I would be writing another Xmas eve letter from Franc®,.! fancy I would have told him to "stow his jaw". And if any misguided person has the audacity to suggest that we’ll see another Xmas over here, I’ll certainly.have to take a osqck at.him. Somuch for that. While this place would hardly appeal to you folks as a dwell­ing in whioh to spend Xmas, nonetheless it is quite the most com­fortable "dugout" I’ve been in for many a long day. It is really a brick cellar, the house to which it once belonged being non­existent, due to the playful habit Frits has of lobbing over his heavy stuff just to see the bricks fly. It is furnished with no less than three tables, some half-dozen chairs- in more or less perfect state of preservation, a couple of benches, and above all, a red-plush easy chair, i’ll have to admit that it is minus an arm and a leg, but while the farmer is nonrep1aceable (or is it irre­placeable?) a petrol tin remedies the latter defect. If dad were * here I would probably have my claim to the chair disputed- as it is, I usually have no difficulty in flopping into it after meals. Also we have a swell grate fire, the flames from which are roaring up the ohimney in great style at present.
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