Transcript |
- Carlton Hotel,
Taooma., Wash.
Sept. 15th, 1915.
Dear Mother,-
Received your welcome letter a few days ago, and was glad to hear the flowers arrived O.K. I had to wire for them as I almost forgot your birthday was on the 9th.
How Mother for a piece of news which I am afraid will strike you rather hard, I have decided to throw up my job and go over home to join the ambulance corps. After hearing from Marjorie that Harold was anxious to go, it set me to thinking, and I’ve come to the conclusion that my King and Country need me more than the Fairbank Co.
I wrote Reg. Beckwith on Sunday re this, to make sure that I would be accepted but haven’t heard from him yet. If I don’t get a line tomorrow I intend wiring in my resignation anyway. So ten chances to one I’ll be home on Sunday.
I wish Papa would make a few inquiries to make certain that my bad eyesight would not bar me, for I’d hate to throw up my job and then not be able to go. Ask him to- wire me C.O.D. this hotel to-morrow sure for I want to get this settled as soon as possible.
Don't take it too hard Mother, and very likely I'll be over this Sunday,
Till then with beet love to all, from
Vernon, B.C.
Oct. 5/15.
Dear Mother,-
Have been trying to find time to drop you a few lines but until to-day apparently haven’t been successful. Developed a blister on my heel the other day and as it didn't respond to my treatment, had it fixed by the Dr. this morning. Result I'm off duty for to-day, so am making the most of my opportunity.
I have had only one day's drill*, since I have been up here last Friday. On Saturday the four of us were put on what is known as kitohen fatigue. Our duties were very light, consisting merely of peeling from three to four sacks of spuds a day,