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By the way, I forgot to mention that a few days after I came beck to the unit, a friend of Marjorie’s by the name of Jordan was in to see me. We had quite a chat. When I came down the line several days ego on a lorry, he was on traffic duty at one of the Canal du Kord crossings. Had only time to yell at him as I passed.
Received a parcel from Aunt Bessie yesterday. Sorry to say that it is only a memory now.
Think I’ve done a fair day’s work, so will ring off. Have to write a few lines to the kid.
Yours lovingly,
C ai,
October 12, 1918.
Dear Harold,
Well I suppose you'll be waiting to know how the old boys came out in the.hard scranping we've been through lately. Our casualties were fairly heavy in this last strafe, mostly among the new fellows. Poor old Patton went West. Heath, who came with Teddy Bear, was pretty badly smashed up. Jimmy Roll ett was gassed. Bushey was hit in the head, but remained on duty. Andy got a piece in the leg and another in the shoulder. Made Blighty, I believe. I think that covers all the old hoys.
Changes galore.’ Alex Wyers is in the pack stores in place of Bruce, Waddell was evacuated during the Amiens strafe, and is no\7 on convey duty in Blighty. Maguire and Patience are all full corporals,, Perry is beck again, Bobby Kerr went down with rheumatism,
Smith ere with D.A.H., Rtan pleurisy, McKenzie P.V.D. in Blighty, Bill Searle P.V.O., Stanley never returned from leave - no loss, Finn is on the cars steady, Bert Lovell is in the canteen with Let, Skinry Ross, Soper, McIntyre, Bushey, Jim Park have been awarded the K.M., Dave Levesque the Croix de Guerre, end Davy the D.C.M. Mighty pleased to see the last namedto come through for he sure deserved it. At present I’m the only old timer in A sec. among the stretch ex* bearers who hasn't a stripe, decoration or bomb proof job. Ought to be due soon, eh which? Jimmy's will help him some in his R.A.F. career, if he makes the grade.
You'd never know the unit if you came back to it. The reinforcements we received after Passchendaele, were a good bunch of fellows, but lately the reverse has been the case. Seems that the hospitals at the base and in Blighty ere being bombed and the scum of them are being shunted up the line. Red shoulder straps galore now in the outfit. Even have a blue shoulder strapped one, who has never been in France before. Joined us a few days ago.
Received a couple of letters from you since I last wrote