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- for parte unknown, tut probably to Prance. Gee, maybe we all aren't glad to get away too. Everybody is busy packing up, as we have to leave camp at 6 A.m. Now if you don't hear from me within two weeks after receipt of this letter, you'll know that we are on our way to Salonica, I mention two weeke so as to allow for any delay in the mails. The trio to Salonica would take three weeks. You may be sure that I'll drop a line as soon as I possibly can after we reach our destination.
I'm going to oall quits now as I have quite a bit to attend to.such as having a hair cut, bath, shave eto. In the meantime God bless and keep you all is the earnest prayer of both of your "red haired soldier boys", •
Good night dears, and look for a card in a week or so as I'm hoping its France we are bound for.
Yours lovingly,
Le Havre, June 4th,19l6.
Dear Mother end Dad,-
Just another move in the little game which we are playing. Where the next will be remains to be seen. As I said yesterday on the card I sent you, we will in all probability be out of here in a few days. But before I go on to tell you what little I have seen of this country, am going to hark back to a few incidents which happened in England that I neglected to mention in my last letter.
The most important was the reunion held by the Y. bunch.
Stan Young blew into camp last Tuesday accompanied by Capt. Bob Korn, who had charge of the Y. in Vernon, leaving there with the 54th. Maybe we weren't glad to see them tooy and I guess Stan won't forget the reception we gave him for some time to come.
It was the first chance we have had to rough house a sergeant and we took full advantage of it. Then we arranged to round up the bunch, end have a little supper in a new Y. hut just about to open. That night than about fifteen of us gathered around the table and had one mighty fine time. It was JJJ)o you remember Stan" or some similar remark the whole night. Undoubtedly it will be a long time before we all meet again too, so we made the most of the limited time we were allowed out of camp.
Now for a few words re our trip across. Points of embarkation must necessarily be omitted of course. Suffice to say then that we arrived at the English coast via London, Waited on the