97-051_LTRS 22
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-08
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-08
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 1926_97-051_022.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T15:55:15.972ZOriginal Checksum: f2fb9793e57f94ee3956f0a621d54934Mime Type: image/tiff
- pretty slow progress now, as all the boats are pursuing a zig- zig course. The cruiser is one side of us one minute and. the other side the next. The idea is to make it it more difficult for a submarine to torpedo us. Expect you have been having your anxious moments wondering whether we will arrive safe, but the feeling on board ship is different. Nobody seems to pay much attention to what is going on although our stern chaser is all ready for action. Everybody apparently feels confident that we will hit England O.K. I guess there is no use feeling any different. Prom what I can gather we are to land at Liverpool. Hope so for it is one of the biggest shipping centers in the world. Still any old spot will do just as it will enable us to get off the boat. Three weeks today since we left home, all of it being strictly G.B. A little bit of freedom and a good meal will sure be welcomed. Just been looking out of the porthole for smoke some of the fellows declare they saw on the horizon, but can’t locate it. We are due to have a destroyer or two take us in charge just about now, so possibly that is what the smoke is from. Hardly any swell on the ocean today, and the sun is shining bright, in fact taking it all around, a better trip across couldn’t be expeoted even in midsummer. So I’ve almost amended my resolution made the first day out that! wouldn’t return till they built a bridge across. This is the longest letter I have ever written, but seeing as all this is something out of the ordinary, you'll have to pardon my loquaeity. Only hope t hat you will find it as interesting to read as it was to write. Now a few requests. In a box file on the shelf in my room you’ll find two or three Great West Perm, pocket books. Wish you would mail them as they will come in handy for keeping envelopes etc. in. Also three or four of those small bags you made for handkerchiefs would be acceptable. Make them a little larger though. Put in my fountain pen too if you can locate it. I don't know whether Harold is short anything, but I’ll ask him so that when he writes you will be able to include his junk with mine. Did we leave our regimental numbers? If not mine is 524511, and harold’s 524512. It is imperative that they be placed on all letters as otherwise quite a delay in transmission can be expected. A lot of red tape, I know, but what can you do. Just back from dinner and find three destroyers busily engaged running rings around us. There isn’t much of a sea, but judging from the way they plough through it, with the spray dashing
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