97-051_LTRS 153
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- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2057_97-051_153.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T16:56:52.212ZOriginal Checksum: bc6d1b0314e0895a9b628c288fa9fcdaMime Type: image/tiff
- At Home- such as it is, Aug. 10th, 1917. Tear Mother end Bad,- It is really s shame to he writing on such a lovely evening ee this, hat I’ve been working hard all day- an hour would cover all I’ve done-, and do not feel like wandering around the country side. Anyway I know this neck of the woods like a hook, we having heen quartered within a mile of here last winter. Bid summon up enough "pea" to toss the hell around for an hour after sutler, in fact have just quit that violent exercise. As there still three fcours to put in before "lights out" concluded that I could do worse than to start the third instalment of my narrative. 3y gosh, it is going to he an awful job to equal the length of the last two / instalments hut one never knows what one can do till one trys,does one? Let me see, I was in bed on Sunday night, or rather early Monday morning, at the finish of my last letter. Woke up hungry a.s? a hear, and deciding that a hotel breakfast while fine, wasn’t sufficent to satisfy our ap-oetites this morning, we walked down to Maxevilles. By this time we were familiar faces there, and the waiter didn’t even trouble to ssk us whet we wanted, but just trotted out the kind of a. breakfast we were after. Breakfast finished, I hauled out my mao, and consulting it found that we hadn’t been out to the Luxembourg Gardens yet. the other fellows being agreeable, we taxied out to there, passing en route the huge markets where the street hawkers of fruit, vegetables etc. obtain their wares. Never saw such a collection of push carts, end our driver had to proceed pretty carefully, but even at that he succeeded, in bumping one old girl in the rear end, where at a very vitriolic conversation took place, with our driver coming off second^ best, though we gave him ell the encouragement we could. Arriving at the gardens, I guess we spent a coucle of hours wandering around its shady paths, \7hile not as cretty as the Tulcries Gardens, it is larger, and has more shade trees. In one corner there are apple and pear trees, the branches trained along succorts at right angles to the trunks, and with the fruit tied uo in caper begs. Not being a fruit-grower, I don’t know why it is done, but venture a suggestion that it is for bleaching purposes. As with all the gardens in Paris, fountains play an important part in the decorative scheme of this garden, there being some particularly beautiful specimens. Feeling pretty warm by this time, so thought we would drive downto our ice cceam carl or. No sooner said than done. Sat out on the pavement, and. went through an elaborate dish, to the very keen enjoyment of the natives, judging from, their actions. Ueed to their inquisitiveness by now however, so they didn’t bother us very much. * 150 - A +. the of the bove that we have a. cicture taken,
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