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with the view of grabbing off a little more "shut eye". To our "delight" though, "Paddy", with whose "Gang" we have been associated for the past week or so, stuck his head in our tent at 6,10 and yelled for us to "fall in". Nothing for it, but to do so. Bill, Hank and I were detailed for the Q.M.Stores, a hard ^ job at any stage of the game, but even more so when a big body
of troops are leaving. Well, to make a Icing story short,, we carried ammunition, rifles, bayonets, issiied equipment, lifted 300 lb. cases of rifles from high wagons, and a "few" other odd jobs. In our "spsre" moments we carried M.T. boxes down tothe v incinerator. All this kept us pretty well on the jump until noon, when we laid off for dinner. All the bunch in our tent have been indulging in a noon day sleep lately, end we had just settled down after washing our dishes, when Paddy’s "All right fellows" rang out on the still air, so once more we dragged our weary forme out of the tent. "Band concert this afternoon,boys," said Paddy, and we groaned, as we had been there before. It meant carrying about $0 rifle cases, each weighing in the neighborhood of 100 lbs,, from the $.M, Stores to a spot in the road about 200 yds. away, "Not enough boxes, this time boys, "so you’d better get some of "them" gas helmet boxes you carried down to the incinerator this morning," remarked Paddy. So down to that blasted place we went, the four of us, Harold having joined the gang, and each made five trips up to the road. At this .stage of the proceedings, the bandmaster put in an appearance, and after looking the ’structure’ over decided that as the band had enlarged since its last appearance, a few tent floors would be needed. So back we trotted with the ever present Paddy, Nov/ a quarter section of a tent floor is a mighty awkward thing to handle, especially when a fellow is tired, so after making two trips, .possibly you can imagine our feelings when the bandmaster said that they wouldn’t do, as he had decided that about 8 sections of marque flooring would be just the thing. So back went -the tent floors, we with them of course,, and up came the marquee board#, four trips being necessary.. By this time our hind quarters were pretty close to the ground, and we hardly had enough "pep" to say anything when the bandmaster said "By George, Paddy, these marquee boards are © wider than I thought, I guess we won’t need those gas boxes after
all". So down to the inoinerator we wearily wended our way, the second trip for most of the boxes. Hope they are in hell by now, "Well, thank goodness that is rail over"I said, as we trudged back to the road, our breaths coming in short pants. To oep it all though,, we had to carry a piano from the offioers quarters to the band stand, about 150 yds. really, but to us it seemed more like that many miles. "Well, I guess that’s all, boys" from Paddy, and an exhausted bunoh dragged ourselves down to the tent* Revived myself sufficently to have a shave (the first since Tuesday) and a bath, went back to the tent, only to find that we had been grabbed for the mail fatigue.
This fatigue is a swell job ordinarily, in fact we are getting on it steady tomorrow, , that is until we get in a ft,, but after