97-051_LTRS 143
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2047_97-051_143.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T13:25:08.243ZOriginal Checksum: 128061b8b1770a4171c2684da4a4328bMime Type: image/tiff
- Crossing the river again we found ourselves on an island and in the garden at the side of the cathedral. It has a very weather beaten appearance, end is s huge structure, taking up at least an ordinary city block. Walking around to the front, we stood for a while admiring the carved figures in the niches of which there are hundreds. An immense amount of work must have been put in on them. The main door being closed, we entered by a smaller one, A jingling of coins drew our attention to a fellow sitting behind a table with a tray of money in front of him. Being used to this business of giving something for nothing by now, we each contributed a franc. The cathedral viewed from the interior did not impress me as favorably as St. Paul’s or Canterbury. Possibly the fact that it was very dimly lit may have had 'something to do with it. The stained glass windows were very pretty, and I never saw columns of such a size as those supporting’ the roof. Strolling out we crossed another bridge, and in a few minutes came to the Hotel de Ville or City Hall,-*" Taking up the space of two blocks, it is certainly an immense building. s per usual over here, there was an open space in front of the building called Place de Hotel de Ville. These Places certainly add a great deal to the attractiveness of the city. Walking on we came to the Rue de Rivoli and as it appeared a busy street decided to give the natives a treat by taking a promenade along it. Had gone about three blocks when we struck one of the largest departmental stores in Paris, the Grand Magasin de la Sanaritrine. "How about taking a trip through it" somebody suggested. "Sure, why not?" I replied. So in we went, and spent half an hour or so wandering around the different floors, stopping every now and then to inspect some particularly fine specimens of lingerie or the like. At least one of the boys remarked that it was fine. Haven’t had much experience in that line myself. Who called me a liar? This store occupies three blocks and is fitted, up in lavish style, stairways being carpeted, mirrors everywhere, and has even a beautiful stained glass dome. Rather puts Spencer’s in the shade. Emerging into the street again, we carried on until we came to the Louvre, which is the largest museum in the world. Owing to the war however, mopt of the valuable paintings eto. have been removed for safe keeping, and we found only one gallery of statuary open. Over the door was painted "Modern Sculpture", but seeing as we saw statuary inside dating from the seventeenth centuryf^I ’d like to know what they call ancient. There are certainly some magnificent groups in the gallery, some of which I could recollect having seen in pictures. I guess we put in an hour there. Coming out we walked on through the grounds towards the Jardin de Tuleriee, which are in my opinion, the most beautiful gardens in the oity, and that’s going some. They extend from the Louvre to Place de la Concorde. I never saw such a beautiful arrangement of - 140 -
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