97-051_LTRS 146
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2050_97-051_146.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T16:56:39.973ZOriginal Checksum: acd490b8fd6e8e6c6cfad00dfee02e3eMime Type: image/tiff
- Seeing the Big Wheel ashort distance sway we walked over to it, hut found that it did not operate until 3 o’clock end it being only shout noon, decided to proceed elsewhere. The Trocadero was our next point of call, it being directly across the river from Eiffel Tower. Our"guide to Paris" had it designated as an "Ethynological" museum, whatever that critter may he. There ere a. wonderful series of fountains and miniature waterfalls in front of the building, hut they weren’t working that day. Saw them at a later date however. There are four huge bronze statues in the grounds, the subjects being a bear, a moose, a lion, and a rhinoceras. At the foot of the building which is on a hill, we turned and gazed back at the Eiffel Tower. It certainly presented a. magnificent sight. In the exact center of the lower part of the tower was framed the Ecole Militeire, with the Champ des liars leading up to the tower. The post card I’ve sent will give you a. better idea of what we were admiring. Entering the Trocadero itself, we found a gallery devoted to plaster monuments and figuces taken from churches and cathedrals in the towns within shelling distance ofthe Huns, Quite a few of the figures were from Rheims Cathedral, some of them showing signs of having been shelled. Put in half an hour here then took a taxi down to a Corner of Blighty. Pound the place deserted - we were probably too early - so it being near the time we had agreed to call on our young ladies Charlie and I hoofed it back to the hotel for a clean up. About quarter to three we flagged a taxi outside our hotel, and instructed him to take ue to "Hotel Marquise, Place Pigelle", which was the address given us the previous evening. Less than ten minutes sufficed for the trip, and we found the girls waiting for us-, in the cafe on the ground floor of their hotel. It having been fourteen months since either of ue had more than spoken to a girl, we were rather at a loss to know whet to do or where to go. / suggestion of the girls that we go downtown for a cup of tea meeting with approval, we grabbed a taxi end proceeded merrily down to a very nice restaurant on the Boulevard Montmerte. Managed to glom onto a nice little table in a corner, and then proceeded to have a "chin-feet", first having ordered some tea, toast and cakes, or rather they were ordered for ue. Could you imagine a coud.e of eoldiers ordering anything like that on their own? I I suppose you are curious to know the girl’s names, ©ge, etc. Well I couldn’t tell you before, because I didn’t know. The young lady I paired off with informed me that her name was Ade Stewart, and her age nineteen. I might also add that she was about 5 Ft fair, with blue eyes and short reddish tinged Buster Brown hair. In short she was a, very nice looking, kid. She was born in London, but the family moved out to Boston when she was ten years old. Two years later she started her theatrical career. In all she put in seven years in America, then moved back to England. Played in revues there
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