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in* to flow in now, end it is impossible for us to share them. As far as I can see it, the one having; the most addressed to him is going to be the better off. Too bad, I know, but I’M afraid it can’t be helped,
I’m going to ask you to do us a favor, Mother. It is regard- © ing sending thanks for contributions contained in different -oarcels. Of course I realize that I should send thanks personally, but honestly it is an awful job writing letterP up here,, so I’m going to ask you to convey our thanks, or rather I ehould say my thanks, for I don't know what the kid has received. Here's the list, so far,
Nettie, . Gandies were fine, and came at a time when we were both broke,, so doubly enjoyable.
Mies Shannon, She must have known mgr weakness, for the kid didn't "get in" on them, Rogers is still King of Candy makers.
Gus Westendale, Regular Xmas stuff, Gus with thoee bon-bons. Gandy was Jake too. Muchly obliged for that "revolver", but unfortunately a "red cross" man can’t carry "weapons". Good luck to you, old cock.
Aunt Bessie, Those cookies were all to the merry. Game thru in fine shape too.
Grandma & Aunt Lizzie, That sweater is sure the pure quill,, while thoee sox are whiffnufferish to say the least.
Aunt Polly, Colonists are starting to -come thru now, k and we sure enjoy reading the "hum" town paper. Ever so much obiiged,
While on the subject of parcels, I’m going to give you a few hints re oontents of same, i.e. the ones from home. By now I’ve a pretty good idea of what is best to send, and I'm sure you won't mind me giving you a little advice. To begin with,, jam. Now jam is a good dessert,, especially yours,, but as we have it for a steady W diet twice a day, nuf 'sed,. Beans are also another steady article
of diet, not as good as Heinz by any mesne, but still they ere beans Sox too, I have quite a few pair on hand, end can get "red Gross" ones any time I require any as a field ambulance is well supplied with such comforts. So-for the time being you can safely lay off on that commodity,,thus cutting down on what I know is a costly item. Now for one ortwo little items that are always seasonable.
One good thing is beef or veal loaf, especially fine in lieu of a bread, jam and cheese supper. Campbell's soup is also fine these cold‘days,,as they are easily heated at night, and are more palatable than Oxo. That dose of Plum Chutney can be repeated any time you want, but as it didn't come to hand until the chicken had been 1 "bo^s de combat" for-over a week, your advice couldn't be followed.
Had a letter from Shrah a couple of days ago, end was glad to