97-051_LTRS 257

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2161_97-051_257.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:30:30.834Z
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  • 253 travelled, it being the one we came back on from Paris leave. The twon to vhich we presently came was the one where we bought our first Xmas gifts over here. Hadn’t changed any since I was in it last. Let went up to the canteen-while I strolled around the town, gazing into the shop windows, a favorite soldier’s occupation. By" this time I could hardly keep my eyes open, so spying Shorty’s light ambulance parked in the square, I climbed into it, and in less than no time was dead to the world. I surely must have been tired to have beenable to sleep in such a place, for the square is cobble stoned and a continual stream of lorries and horse drawn vehicles pass through it at all hours of the day. Was wakened by Let at noon, we repairing to a near by restaur art and indulging in a fairly good meal* Fortunately Let had been able to buy a few articles at the canteen. I say fortunately, because when we arrived at hqrs. we found our tent struck and another move in order. Lid well in the line of mail that day receiving three letters and a parcel, the latter from you. That salad dressing cer­tainly came at the right moment, for the otner fellows had fixed up a dandy salad for supper, the ingredients being 8 francs (1.60) of tomatoes and 8£d (17/^) of lettuce and green onions. Believe me, we surely did appreciate the dressing. Let didn’t have to put it on cake this time. The sox were needed too, for I had got down to my last pair. If you enclose a pair in each of the next few parcels you send, it will be Jake with me. I must necessarily keep silent as to our movements of the following few days. At one stage of them we travelled in 1orriee-- packed in as tight as sqrdines-- for over thirty miles arriving in alittle village some 60 kilos back of the line atmidnight. Our trans­port wasn’t with us so we had to flop in a barn without blankets. That wouldn’t bother the infantry any, but we, not being used tc it, didn't appreciate it very much. However, by burrowing in the straw, I managed to pass a fair to middlin’ night. Rose about 9.30, had a wash and shave, then borrowing a from the T.’s, I proceeded to cook my breakfast- a Billycan of G.W. coffee, and five soft boiled eggs, the latter obtained from the farm house at eight cents per. They surely slipped down nice and easy too. Ho parades to attend, so thought I'd stroll around a bit.. Just back of the village I wandered into a really beautiful natural park, resembling the Bois de Bologne in Paris. It was part of the Chateau grounds, and covered- acres. Bumped into a. couple of the boys on the other side of the wood, and spying a village nestling in the valley below us, thought we’d go down and give it the once over, hoping to discover a stream. All these French villages look charming from a distance, built in­variably as they are in a young forest. This one looked exception­ally pretty, resting in the hollow, with rolling fields of grain on all sides. The beauty vanished when we entered it though, it being more dilapidated than usual. Couldn't find our ’ole swimming hole-- too bad for it was boiling hot, but we did find an old dame, who, for half a franc a head, put us up a fine salad. Back to our village again, and lay around in the shade for a few hours. The pangs of hunger once more making themselves felt.
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