97-051_LTRS 23

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Karen Dykes
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Filename: 1927_97-051_023.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:09:20.878Z
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Creator Transcript
  • all over, I’d hate to be on one in a gale. The ones with us now are of the D type and can make about 36 knots an hour. Some speed eh? The cruiser has drawn off quite a distance with one destroyer guarding it. Well I’ll have to drop this again as we parade in five minutes for physical jerks. Kind of a hard job dbing them with a life belt on, but I guess it can be managed. Au revoir for an hour or so, 4.30 P.M. same day. Big exoitement on board as Ireland has been sighted on the port bow. Two lighthouses are in plain view, as well as what look from here like two mole hills. Cruiser right out of sight now, so guess all danger is over, 8.45 P.M. Been for’d all evening feasting my eyes on land. All kinds of lights and-light houses around us, but no one seems to know definitely just where we are. Some say Ireland, some England, while Wales also has some backers. At any rate lights are on both sides of us, so we apparently are between two slices of land. Also no one knows where we are going to land, except the officers of the ship, and they won’t tell. The destroyers are chasing around every now and then signal­ing by lights to us. The Lapland has dropped out of sight com­pletely, not a hard job at thatf considering the darkness of the night. Had a big row down at supper tonight when the orderly offi­cer came around asking if there were any complaints, I think every man in the room yelled at him judging from the row made and the way he jumped. We were served with bologna which, was I don’t 3aiow how old, and had been in cold storage for so long that there was more ice than sausage to eat. We had been getting some pretty rotten grub all along, but this was the worst yet, so everybody: kicked. As a result those who cared to stay were served With breaded sole from the officers’ mess, I got in on it you oan bet. First bite of decent grub I’ve had on the boat, so it tasted mighty good. ’Lights out’has just sounded so will have to quit. Will add a few more lines tomorrow and will then try and rake up enou^gi to pay for the postage. Fortunately it is their paper I’m writing on, Saturday 8.30 A.M. Just, sighted the English coast, so it looks as though the second stage of our voyage is nearly over. All the mail, and there is a hugh quantity of it, is on deck, ready to be put off when we reaoh Liverpool ,whioh will be some time this afternoon. Have quite a bit of packing to do, so will have to close this long epistle. Will drop you another "few” lines next week, giving you my first impressions of the old country. Am going to drop a
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