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- p.iree and the like, frequented it. This :'ontmarte district is also the stamping ground of the notorious Paris "apaches". I might add that we didn’t prowl around that district at night to any great extent. Of course even if we had been "rolled", they wouldn’t have obtained very much money, but the trouble was they they may have gone farther then that. So to be on the safe side, we did our explorations in that neighborhood by the light of day.
Prom where we sat we could see the balcony in front of t^e girls room, and spying Elsie up there, gave her the "high-ball", and in double quick time they appeared on the pavement. Hopped into a taxi - never a hard job to flag one except 1 ate at night - and drove to tie Alhambra, it having been recommended to us by a. Prench interpreter whom we were speaking to the previous night. Elsie being our official linguist, I gave her the money for our seats, some 25 francs I think. Excellent location too, in the pit about twelve rows back. Charlie end I were tickled to find that it was vaudeville, and nearly all the turns English. The acts were about on a par with the Orpheum circuit, and as you know they usually furnish a good bill, we enjoyed the show very much. At the intermission, we spied the other three of our gang a few aisles a,way, and A6e waving to them, they came over to talk with us for a few minutes. Ade confided to me after that she liked the kid very much, and thought he was a fine looking boy. Good job I met her first, wasn’t it?
After the show, not being able to get a taxi, althougb/we made many, futile dashes after them, we started to walk back to the hotel. Charlie and I hadn’t the faintest idea where we were going, but the girls declaring they knew the way, we took their word for it and walked on and on. Well, maybe they did know their way - by day- but they succeeded in losing the trail before we had proceeded very far. Fortunately for us a taximetre- a horse drawn vehicle- hove into sight, and by dint of much persuasion on Elsie
- s part, and the promise of ten francs on ours, we induced him to drive us to the Place Pigalle. Arriving there we paid the old guy off, and stood on the pavement talking for a while. After assuring the girls that we had spent a very pleasant day, and making 0 dinner engagement for Tuesday evening,we departed. Sure we kissed them good night, v/hy not? Strolled slowly back to our hotel enjoying the lovely night air, freely scented by the motor garbage wagons which were making their nightly pilgrimage. Didn’t lose much time in getting into bed when we.hit our rooms, for we were feeling rather tired. Thus ended the fourth day of our eventful trip. Will have to call this enough for a few days. It has taken me three days to write this letter, for I never seem to be able to settle down to the job for any length of time. Hope I’m not boring you.
Say that wqs a great picture of Dad you enclosed in a recent letter. By gosh, with Marjorie having a camera, surely she ought to be able to send along 0 few snaps of family interest occasionaly. We’d appreciate them very much indeed, A picture of the house for instance and also one of our Cordova Bay mansion. Any snap at all in fact, they are all interesting to us. And say, by the way, if by any chance you should have our Paris picture doctored up arid re-