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while, po it came asa complete surprise to me. Aunt Eessie informs me in a letter received yesterday, that she is forwarding me a parcel. And another of yours on the way. Ho two w ys about it, we're winning the war!
Had a letter from Maud Me. yesterday. Hot an unusual occurence for as a rule she writes me every week. I've a stand-in in thst family, believe me! . She has been very very sick, coming mighty close to crossing the great divide, but is now well on the road to recovery*, though not able as yet to do more than sit up and take nourishment. She has always been mighty good to me, has Maud, so I ee-t down last night, and wrote to tell her how sorry I was to hear that she had been so ill, and how pleased I was that she was on the mend. She tells me that Hilda was to have been married to young Litchfield when he came out to Vancouver on leave, an event that due to come off about two weeks from the day he was killed. Verily, Kaiser Bill will have an imposing list to account for on Judgement dey.'
Frank Croup ton informed me in a letter received a couple of days ago that he is back at the‘training school at Shorncliffe taking a, month's course in P,I, ' when that is finished, he is going to Epsom to take up that course in massage which I believe I mentioned in a" previous letter. ? Two more'months will be consumed in doing so.
Upon the completion of it, he tells me that fifty-of the class are to be sent back to Canada to be distributed among the military hospitals there. He thinks he 'stands a good chance of being one of the fifty, but says that unless he can get out to the coast, he prefers to stay in Blighty. Well, I suppose he knows his own business best, but do you think I'd hesitate for one moment, if given the preference of working in Blighty or Canada? I should say not. I'd be over there by the first boat.
Met Till Briggs in this town- or rather village- a. few days ago. He is M.O, of the "umpty-umps" now. Had quite a chat with him*- \7hen I informed him that the kid had gone home, he wanted to know what condition his arm was in. Veil, I couldn't tell him exactly- not knowing myself- but he intimated that the kid could do worse than drop in to see a Dr. Ridewood,who had been in France for some time and had recently returned to Victoria, I understood him to say that he is still in the army. Briggs says that this fellow is a. crack-a- jack on massage. I pass this on for your consideration.
Am havinga pretty easy time of it these days. As I predicted in my last letter, I am a playing member of both the ball and^ soccer teams representing the ambs. A.s a. consequence of my activity in that direction, I am excused from all parades and duties. Really you have no adequate conception of what that means to a fellow who has been 33 months in the army. It's Paradise itself! Nothing less' Lay* in bed till 7.30 every morning, getting up just in time to^ meander over to the
cook house for breakfast. Then back to billet-