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- overpeas. Well, we had to fill them out a couple of days ago In the main they had to deal with the "back to the land" movement Having no inclinations that way.myself I found nodifficulty~in*fi]- ing mine out, A hip: hunch of fellows in this unit already own f^r^s or homesteads, so it was right in their line.
You need not worry about both of us not being- able to read your letters, for we have no difficulty in that line. If I happen to be un the line with the kid at headquarters, and a letter in your familiar' handwriting comes along addressed to me, why he glome onto it, and after reading it, hands it in to the mail corooral to be* sent on up the line to me. And vice verse. So you see how that difficulty is settled.
Potatoes are pretty high over there all right, but nothing to what they are in Blighty. One of the boys just beck from, leave says they are charging Is 2d e pound for them. Some fierce price, isn’t it? And. still at that we menage to have them for dinner two or three tines a week. Yes, I'd like to be back and eat some of those front lawn spuds. May be there yet, for all I know.
By gosh, we're looking forward to those parcels, for we haven't had one for over six weeks. No feer, you can't nut in too many cookies. As for the marmalade, well never mind. It's home made stuff I know, but reelly we see too much of the derned stuff. The salad dressing con be used to good advantage though.
Am sitting at our mess table writing this within smelling distance of the "Vaterland", as the cook has dubbed his oven. I think its roast mutton today for dinner, judging from the odoriferous effluvia, that is permeating the atmosphere. It is getting on for dinner time too, so will have to call quits and line up. The first man is always sure of hie dinner, but the last one often has to go" f short. Such is life in the army.
The small block piece of oloth enclosed is our old divisional sign sawn on the back of the tunic 2 inches below the collar. V/e now have " Joffre blue" patches on each sleeve. The black patch was issued to us before going in on the Somme, so has seen considerable active service, including Vimy, By the way I hope to hear before long that the souvenirs I sent away some little while back arrived safely. Would hate to think that they hadgone astray,
I’m finished. Good bye.
Love to all,