97-051_LTRS 41

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Karen Dykes
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Filename: 1945_97-051_041.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:10:12.733Z
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  • of the Y.M.C.A., Lord Roberts and Viscount Wakeley are laying side by side Yvith flags resting over them. There is also a won­derfully beautiful memorial to Florence Nightingale. But what interested us mostly were the tombs of Nelson end Wellington, By the way the bodies of these famous heroes are the only ones that e„re not lying below the floor of the crypt. They reooee in the hearts of two huge blocks of granite. The marble slab above Nelson’s tomb weighs 1$> tons snd ie a beautiful niece of work. The bodies of his first aid second officers lie one on either sidifc of his tomb. Wellington’s tomb is a more massive structure, on which are engraved the various engagements in which he took nart. The funeral car of Wellington also occupies an honored position near his tomb. It was constructed out of guns captured from the French, and cost 120,000, Ite weight ie 20 tons and on the day of the funeral was drawn by 12 coal black horses, three abreast. The front of the car is ornamented by weapons in use at that time. (Have to call quits again, as Piute has finally put in an appear­ance, and a trip up to the Strand is on the bill of fare). Started to rain after we came out of St. Pauls so we took a bus intending to come back to the Y. for our greatcoats. It cleared up though, before we reached Waterloo St., so we carried on down the Strand to Pioadilly and Leiscester Squares. The former is merely a. continuation of the Strand, while the latter is in the heart of the theatre district, Trafalgar Square was the next point of interest we struck, containing as you know, Nelson’s monument. One thing in particular struck me at this spot and that was the fact that 4 huge posters were displayed against the four lions around the base of the monument. Th<y read "Extravagance in dress in war time is not only bad form, but it is unpatriotic". It seemed to me to give a good indication of just how seriously England is regarding the war. In ordinary times such a. defamation of the monument would not be tolerated, but in these times every­thing must be done to raise the people to a true sense of what lies before them. Was rather disappointed in Covert Gardens as I expected to see a huge building teeming with life. On the contrary, while it ishoused in a big block, very few people were around. It was interesting though to see the porters at their work carrying crates and baskets of fruit, vegetables etc. One of them will stoop and another place $ or 6 boxes on his head, he carrying them Didn’t see a hand truck there at all. Took a walk next down Downing Street where the War Office is located. Huge grim looking structures, well fitted for the purpose they were erected. Scotland Yard ie nearby too, as is the Admir­alty Office, The Canada Building ie a fine looking structure but didn't have time to go inside. Went into the B.C.Bldg. though, but as it was only about 9 A.M. (next day) didn’t see Dick. Started this letter on the 12th, and am now resuming it in Hythe Y, on the 17th. Really was too busy to write in London, but took copious notes as we went along so I don’t think my narrative
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