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Those snaps are fine, especially the one ta.ken on Belleville St, I believe the boys here were just as pleased to see them as I was. The kid- is certainly looking; find,-^'
What kind of weather are you having over there? It hasn’t been anything to boast about in our part of the world, the past two or three weeks having been cold and stormy. Last night in spite of my four blankets, I was none too warn, and at one stage of the proceedings was seriously considering getting up and putting on my trousers. Fine dish that, for the end of June.’
Game out on orders yesterday that French leave had opened up again, the leaves being cut down to 10 days, however. Was talking to Freddie Lean today, and he wants me to put in an application for a jaunt to Lake Geneva. While I haven’t any objection to doing so,
I hardlythink it would be worth while, for while we’ve been back five months from our last leave, there are all kinds of fellows who com© to us after Passchende.ele who kaven’t as yet had a leave. We’re going to wait a few days, and if not too many put in their names, will most assuredly make an attempt at it. I’d certainly like to visit that section of France, especially in' the summer time. It costs money, these leaves, I know, but it is a certainty that Europe Till never see me again "spree la. guerre", so while I’m over here, I'm going to see as much of the country as I can. What say you?
Met Wilby- of our street- at a ball game about a week ago.
Had just come in from the mound, hot and dusty, when I felt a cane in my back.. Turning around I saw it was Wilby, now a staff Gapt. with a M.C. Chatted with him for a few minutes, then my turn at bat came.
Just about time for the night shift to come on duty, so I'll have to bring this to a close.
As ever,
Yours lovingly,
July 5th, 1913.
Lear Mother and Lad, -
Am still at that M.L. S. from which I wrote you last week, and to judge from the present outlook it seems as though we are due to stay here a while longer. He had. expected .to be relieved by B section in a couple of days, but apparently that move has been abandoned. Jake with me.' I am perfectly satisfied here. While this place can’t be truthfully called a thriving metropolis— the nearest French house is half a mile away- it would do me for duration. The only drawback is the lack of amusements. There’s a cinema inthe next village, but owing to the "flu" scare it is temporally out of