97-051_LTRS 67
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-08
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-08
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 1971_97-051_067.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T13:11:31.441ZOriginal Checksum: 462f1bc76945a41f1b5b949cafb92276Mime Type: image/tiff
- eor) is that we ere moving again this week. So if you don’t get any more than a field service card for a while, don’t "blame it on me. We have been up the line again eince writing you last, this time for twelve days. Had rather an easy time of it though, in fact It was far more of a rest than being back here at the base, I needed a rest toor as I had been playing soccer or baseball every night for the five days we spent here last time, and as a natural consequence was stiff and sore in every muscle. Had a reel rest the first week up the line, as four of us with a lance Jack in charge,,had the job of looking after a dressing station. Had only one wounded man to bring in the whole week. We used to hit the hay about midnight and sleep the clock around. Two ewell little kittens in the dugouts to while the spare time away, so had a mighty easy week. The last five days we t>dt in back at the main dressing station located in an old mill built in l801,,bht just as solid as the day it was finished. Wish I had time to describe it to you, but have to make this letter a. short one, as we are very busy packing uo. Have been grabbed twioe this evening already for fatigues. I was on night duty at the mill in the dressing room,,? P.M, to 7 A.M. Some pretty bad cases to,handle, but won’t go into ddtail as I know you don't like it. Saw Lance Wilson for a few minutes at the mill, the day after he came up from Le Havre. Heard fT'om Prank Crompton. He is going down to Salonioa as an expert masseur. May see him there. .Also had a few lines from Tom Pasooe. Almost certain that his brother Art has been killed, as he was reported wounded and missing June 22nd, and Tom hasn't heard from him since. Guess this will be all I can manage for this trip. Both of us are in the "pink?, Hope to., write at more length next time. Love to everybody, Fred Sept. 2nd, 1916. Lear Sis,- Sorry I can't drop more than a few lines, but have to go on duty in a oouple of minutes. Am just scribbling this off to enclose with the lace I am sending you. Hope it will meet with your approval, and prove useful in your business. Will endeavor to write to more length tomorrow. Beet love to all, F. Game
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