97-051_LTRS 288

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
Width: 5100
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 101033026
Filename: 2192_97-051_288.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T17:52:06.387Z
Original Checksum: dea4cf2368d06f7c64803375dad9f350
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator Transcript
  • 284 - comfortable billet such as we have here would induce me to tea- off letters by the dozen. Will certainly have to write her this week* Sent away another little wared ofileinie stuff s couole of days ago. Have you built that outhouse yet? Let got my helmet home safe. Am just wondering now whether it would be better to have his folks mail it, or to take it back home with me. I think the former v?ould be the better place- certainly the safer. The kid should be getting hisdischerge any day now fo- it won’t be very long before they start sending the overseas*troops back. He is making a wise move, hitting for the St at 6 s. There’s" no future for a young man in Victoria, that’s sure and certain Tell him for me, though, that he’d better not tote along my over­coat or raincoat or there’ll be hell to nay. Already I have visions of expending a young fortune for an outfit, and I don’t care to have my expenditure increased. I can utilize the 060 or 070 as nece^prv to replenish the aforementioned articles to better advantage. Gee’" I hope I get back for the summer. „ , „ 1 tilink I’ve reached the end of my tether. Hearlv time fn coucnee anyway .Another inspection on for the morning is^he new* notntell you!1' ^ lnterpreted EeaM” As ever. Yours lovingly, PEED Mons, Nov. 28th, 1918. Lear Mother and Lad,- Its a dirty wet afternoon, and there being very little doing in the canteen thought I’d better take advantage of the opportunity to drop you a letter. We are still hanging around Mons with no immediate uros^eot of a move. It is practically to March into Germany,„ but of up in the army, Rumor has it in and around. Paris authenticity of the certain now that our division is nott course one never knows what may crop • now that the whole division is to be in the hear future. 1 hae me doots, - report, but it wouldn’t surprise me in 11 we were to receive moving orders any day, though the • * j.-u v/e started running a hospital here today would seem to point otherwise. In the meantime I’m not worrying any. JntX Is long as tney leave me on this cushy canteen job and of our comfortable billet, I haven’t a. single kick coming. quartered as to the the least fact that
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