97-051_LTRS 182

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2086_97-051_182.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T16:58:46.771Z
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Creator Transcript
  • 179 object to me doing 00, for I know that the wounded in hospitals fare very well. As soon as I hear from him again, 1*11 write and ask him if he wants tile parcels forwarded to him. Anyway, there can’t “be many more on the way. Two from Aunt Bessie came in today’s mail, and I’ll hold his till I hear from him. The apples that Kathleen so kindly sent oame across in per­fect condition- not a "bruise on any of them. We - the gang - certainly enjoyed them too. Am writing her shortly to thank her for her contribution to the welfare of the "dirty dozen". Also I'm writing grandma to thank her for the sweaters, one of which I gave to Binn Reid, knowing that the kid would not be needing one this winter at any rate. You’ll doubtless reoognize the old tab­lecloth on those parcels I sent today. So Agnes pioked the "Wop" as the best looking one of the bunoh eh? I told Let about it, and his reply was "Well, it shows one member ofthe Game family has good taste". Will have to correct you on that statement re the mantel be­ing covered with R.A.M.C. pictures. We are in the O.A.M.G. I'm mighty thankful to say, a far different outfit than the R.A.M.C. - that is as far as discipline is concerned. And also, I'm not a soldier, I'm merely a civilianin khaki. They'll never make a soldier out of me, or any other fellow in this outfit,, as far as that goes. Would I like to go to California? Would I? Believe me, the way I feel at present, the tropics would be more in my line. It is quite the usual thing foz* fellows to turn over parcels to their pals that may arrive while they are away on leave. We did when we were away, but were fortunate enough to have none oome along in our absence. Talking of the "Monitor", the evening before your letter arrived, Finn, Let and I were in an egg and chip joint on the Ypres. Poperingle road busily engaged in getting around eight eggs each. The walls of the house were pertly papers with news­papers, the majority of them being "Monitors", probably left by some soldier billeted in the house. Well, folks, I guess this will reach you on or ©bout Xmas, so here's wishing all of you e very Merry Xmas, You've a good deal to be thankful for this Xmas - the kid safe for the winter, and me out on rest, Beet axe frozen, and nose the same, so I'm through. Best love to all, BRED
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