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- some considerable time, end they pure tookadvantage of it. A big fire blazed at either end of the shed with fellows grouped around it singing,, whistling end raising hell in general. One fellow carries a concertina around with him,,and he sure worked overtime. Others lay on the floor in their teds. Here and there groups were playing cards or chatting by the light of candles. Still others took advantage of the occasion and wrote letters. Taken all in all, it was the most home like scene I have hed the pleasure of witnessing for a long time.
In a misguided moment a few days ago I confided to the bunoh that the A. in my name stood for^Anoel. (Is that the way it is spelt)? How it is Anoel here, Hanoel there, Hance somewhere else.
The bunch comprising 3 Canadians,, 2 Scotchmen, 3 Englishmen, 1 Irishman and 1 Hew Zealander, have seized upon it with avidity. Hot that I care overly much , but it sure is an awful handle to carry sround.
Those two boxes came to. hand in fine shape about a week ago.
Hot a. cookie was broken, and they were just as crisp and fresh as if they had just been taken out of the oven. The grub we had been getting on the march was nothing to boast about, so that the cake, etc. was a life saver, A parcel from Marian also came in the same mail. Tonight the candy that Gladys Plercey sent arrived and was duly appreciated. Will have to-drop her a few lines to thank her.
This "sulphur bag" business is a new one on me, but I’ll try them when they come. Am quite used to the live stock by now,, and really believe I’d feel lonely without them.
I guess the back verandah hasn’t been touched since I painted it,, or am I wrong? Sure I know Hile green, and hardly think I’d mistake itfor slate.
Let me see, I guess I turn another milestone tomorrow. Holy suffering mackinaw,,27, and not married yet. Will sure have to make up for lost time when I get back. Ho, I hardly think I’ll let my "heart run away with my head",. There’s a certain young lady— enuf.
I believe I’ve mentioned more than once, but will now reiterate it, that any time you feel the pinch, don’t hesitate to draw on us.
I can stand the "strain" all right, and I don’t hardly think the kid will object, seeing that he is richer than he ever was before. Even if we aren't at home,, there is no reason why we shouldn’t do our share-. You "said a mouth full" when you remarked that we were earning our money hard enough, but goodness only knows we were hard enough to. raise. Hop to. it,, what* e mine is yours, and willingly.
This is pure a quiet part of the line. We’ve been on duty for six hours now, and have only had three sick men thru. Some difference to what we had on the Somme, There's a rumor that we are here for the winter. Hope so,, for it ip a "cushy" part of the line. The kid is in another dressing station about a mile from here.