97-051_LTRS 39

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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Filename: 1943_97-051_039.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T15:56:12.847Z
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Creator Transcript
  • ?building used exclusively for soldiers snd sailors in uniform. Y/ent out for a walk end ran into the Y. hut. Shortly after an Australian soldier hit me up for the price of a bed, so I just elipped him my tacket for a hunk at the Union Jack Club, and transferred my affections to the Y. Turned in at 12.30 and had a good night’s sleep, broken though by a party of Engineers hav­ing to catch a train at 4 A.M., the consequent noise not being exactly condusive to sound slumber. The bed was fine though, pillow and sheets, but only one blanket., Put my great coat over me though so was plenty warm enough. Rose at 7 A.M., shaved, and was all ready for the day’s work. While busy shaving, Goldie and Hank dropped in on me. They had been on an escort too, and didn’t have to catch the train for Shomcliffe until 11 A.M,' So the three of us took a walk over Y/aterloo Bridge up to the Strand of which more anon, I left them at to tackle the hardest job I’ve had for a long while viz. locating the kid, I hadn’t any idea what train the kid would be on and had to keep tab on four stations, any one of which he might come in at. V/ell, to begin with, when I left the boys I was up Oxford St. W. so took the Underground at Totterlane Court Road to go to Can­non St. Station via Charing Cross. At Cannon St. I found that two trains from Shornoliffe were due in within a half hour.Uothing doing though, as he wasn’t on either. Was informed that the next train from Shomcliffe ran into London Bridge Station so I took a bus up to there, and upon arriving found, that that particular train didn’t stop at London Bridge Station, but ran right through to Cannon St,, so back to Cannon St. on a bus I had to go. Saw that train come in, and still no Harold, Consulted a time table with the result that another bus ride to London Bridge was in order Upon arriving there, in order to make sure, as I thought, that I wouldn't miss him, I bought a ticket to Charring Cross so that I could see who got off at the intervening stations. Boarded the train and rode then to Charring Cross but still no kid. However just as I left the station, I bumped in to the corporal who lives in our tent, and he informed me that Harold had taken the train before him, so I knew I’d locate him sooner or later. So I took the Tube to Waterloo Station, and finally located him in the Y. here, so my troubles were over. The reason for my missing him was that I had failed to be on the platform when the third train came into Cannon St. and instead of getting off there he carried on to Charing Cross. (Will have to call this off for tonight, as I’m pretty sleepy, having done a lot of walking today with the prospects of more tomorrow, ) Just finished breakfast, the cheapest and beet by the way that I have ever struck in this country. Bacon and eggs, bread and butter with a cup of cocoa for 8d. The same meal in Polkstone would oost me 2S, Bumped into Reg. end Jimmy Stewart last night after I stopped writing. Beg is on pass until Konbay and will
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