97-051_LTRS 54
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-08
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-08
- Fixity Check
- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 1958_97-051_054.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T15:57:04.015ZOriginal Checksum: c012d97e51645d8a8393b43e676fca34Mime Type: image/tiff
- every color imaginable. The French soldiers never keep in step when on the march, so that they presented a very comical appearance to us. Jupt the same, Verdun is proving to all the world that they are a race of fighters. ® Met one of the Sprinkling boye in camp yesterday,- He is with the 62nd and left for the trenches this morning. Troops are moving in and out of this depot every day. A draft of 97 men came from Dibgate two. days before we left, and they are practically all away now. The orderly sergeant said today that we would be out of here before the week is out. Can’t think of anything more to say for this time so. will have to close with best love to. all from Your loving son, FRED - 54 - Le Havre, France, June 9th, 1916. Dear. Mother and Dad,- Still here as you may see,, with no indication as yet when we will be on .the move again. Another draft from Dibgate came in today, and the talk is going around that they are moving out tomorrow to-reinforce a field ambulance. There will sure be some- kicking from our draft if such proves to be true, as we are superior to them in point of service and also I think in ambulance work. Y/e thought sure that we were going up the line last Tuesday, as we were kicked out of bed at 4 A.M,, medically inspected before © 5* issued with gas helmets, and told to be in readiness. The orders were cancelled though .very shortly, but I feel sure that \ we will be moving very shprtly as another draft of 150 from Dibgate coming across in a felsr days. Can’t kick though at the way we have been treated around here even if it is all fatigue work, that1 is when they catch you. It sure keeps; a fellow on the jump dodging the rotten fatigues, and so far I have been very successful, only having been stuck once, and that only lasted half a day. Today I was working in one of the mess rooms for about an hour, and that is all I have done all day. Harold wasn’t so lucky though, and he has been at it steady from 6,30 A.M. By the way reveille over here is at 4.30 A.M. these days, with the first parade 15 minutes later, so that no forty winks are taken. Say,maybe I won’t relish sleeping in till say 7 or 7#30 when we get back into "civvies" again.
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