97-051_LTRS 223

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2127_97-051_223.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:28:40.954Z
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  • 220 new dental officer - an all round athlete- and one of the H.T.*S - Harry Wright (Porky). We had a meeting yesterday end are not trying to locate Y hqrs. so as to obtain an outfit, for which purpose we have voted $00 francs from the canteen funds. Hope to get the stuff soon as we are anxious to make a start. Our gang is very well represented on these committees, what with Jack Keech on football, Skinny Boss and Pin Reid on general sports, and your humble servant on baseball. You’ll notice that "Skinny” has supplanted me on the general sports committee,but I might say that his doing so castsno reflection on the way in which I handled the job last year. In my capacity of baseball rep­resentative, I am supposed to be present at all sports meetings, so that last year I was appearing in a dual capacity. As I found last year that I had my hands full looking after the baseball end of it. I am very pleased that they’ve shifted the responsibility. Skinny is a good rustler so I think "A" section will survive the blow. This is certainly a cosmopolitan hospital we're running here. When I tell you that among the bunch we fed at noon were Canadians, Australians, Hew Zealanders, Imperials, American Engin­eers and four Chinks, I think you’ll agree with me. Mail just in. Your parcel of March 16th the onlything for me.. As if that wasn’t enough. Speaking of parcels, I received another one from you about a week ago. In behalf of the gang, I want to thank Agnes very much for the cakes she sent, all the more appreciated because they were bought out of her own earnings. We all had a piece of it, and found it very fine indeed.. The same goes for the macaroons. What was in that cocoa tin? Candied apples? Tasted mighty good whatever it was and is certainly worth repeating. Have still to investigate the contents of the parcel ^received just now, 'Member how fond I used to be of cutting out pictures from magazines? Guess I haven’t forgotten how, for the other day noticing that the walls of the mess room looked rather bare, I glommed onto an old copy of the "Motion ?icture"01assic" and proceeded to multilate it in fine style. As a result of my labors, the erstwhile bare walls are now decorated with some dandy pictures of beautiful maidens, and I feel sure that the troops enjoy their meals more then ever,. Thus PaulineFrederick, Elsie Ferguson, Mary Miles Minter etc. do their bit tomake life over here more liveable, I don't know whether you knew Thornton Fullerton, but I guess Marjorie does. Bumped into him here yesterday. He always impressed me of being rather snobbish, and seemingly he hasn’t changed a. bit. He just came over about Xmas and is in theLoc Emmas- as he expresses it. I might explain that "Lac Emma" is Morse for T.M. which means trench mortars. Also I might say that his Loc Emma is fine swank. Oh, yes, he has a commission. That kind usually ha,ve/ Young Forrester- son of the paint shopman- was wished on our section a few days ago. He came over from Victoria with us,
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